When you are at your lowest~A Ramble

in #ramble7 years ago (edited)

She's there, just needs time.
Can you not look in the mirror and see her?
I hear her when you tell me you love me.
I bet (friends name) does too when you're with her.
When you were sick and nobody knew the diagnosis, and your friends and family didn't believe you, you were so terribly hurt. But you found you again, maybe not in the way that you remembered or were, but the you that mattered, didn't you? And this time, you have people who won't ever leave you. ~ @brisby

When you are at your lowest...

Someone wrote the words above to me today. When I read them, they made me cry. Good tears, but tears none the less. Tears for the past, for what was before, and what is now.

To say the last weeks, months, years have been easy for me is a huge lie but then Steemit came along and I'm starting to wonder if someone above had a plan in mind for me all along.

I don't like to take pain medication so I use gaming as a way of dealing with pain. To say my husband was happy to see his wife playing online games every day would also be a lie but let's get to the happy stuff.

All those years of gaming are paying off! I now use all the games I use to play to help make my posts on Steemit better. I'm learning more each day like video editing, markdown formatting, how to take out backgrounds on film, how to write, how to write better, how to let go and just be the me I use to be.

The me that now tries new things to see if they will work on a video or song. If I think this 'new found thing' I just made up or learned will work, I post it! You, yes YOU, the 463 YOU's that follow me, are so kind to me. You watch and listen to whatever I dream up to post next and tell me that you like what I do. I'm humbled by you all every day.

I get the best comments from people on my posts. For that, I thank you too!! I like knowing that @len.george was comfortable enough to say what was on his mind when I wrote this post. He, in a nice way, brought to my attention something I had forgotten to make clear before I hit the post button and for that, I'm thankful because I know I always, always make mistakes on my posts and then spend 2 days going back and editing them each time I see a new typo that I missed the other 100 times I had looked at the post. 😆

Everyone that follows and interacts with me on Steemit has made this a place I could finally find me again. The silly me that will make a video like you can find here: Bad Karaoke Contest!!!! Win SBD!! shows me how much I trust all the people on Steemit. Trust that it will be taken for the fun that it is. The fun I had in the making of it. The fun I had in just letting go and being really silly for a change was so freeing for me and while I can not do the cool dancing I once use to, I did enjoy dancing in my chair! Though I did do it when I was home alone so Hubby didn't think I have totally lost my mind yet! 😁

I know I have been pretty quiet the last few weeks and for that I am sorry. I have had a lot on my mind and real life has been........... real life the last few weeks too but the light is getting brighter and I promise to get out there and read as much as I can of your posts that I have missed. For me, while I do love writing posts and showing what I have learned or wrote, reading all your posts really makes me happy. Like I had said once before, reading other posts is like taking a vacation right in my own home and going to school all rolled into one.

✿ Thank you all for writing such great posts for me to read!!

Now I will stop being sappy and leave you with .............yes........another video that will leave some in horror at how I could post it and others will see it as me just being me trying something new and having fun while doing it. 😁

I'm not responsible for any hurt eardrums if you watch the video below!! 😜

Thank you to everyone, that read my posts, comments, and put up with me every day. You all make my days filled with smiles and laughter even on my worst days. The gift you all give me is priceless and for that also I Thank You.


Please follow @simgirlandsnook. This is the page where we will be posting the Sim Your Life show from and also the Bad Karaoke Contest!!!! Win SBD!! contest plus anything else @simgirl and I dream up and she makes me do! 😬

@mariannewest's Freewriters now have their own page called @freewritehouse!! This page will be offering all kinds of contests and lot's of fun things for you to do. If you want in on the fun click @freewritehouse and give it a follow too!! you will not be sorry you did! The community that Mariannewest has grown is filled with possitive people that are ton's of fun to be around!!

Please take the time to vote for @enginewitty as a Witness.
He is a man that believes we all should be just who we are.
He goes out of his way to support others that stay true to themselves.
That kind of man I will stand behind any day of the week.



Can't wait to see how many people and what kinds get on the Bad Karaoke Contest!!!! As for the friend's nurturing of your soul, very sweet of them and they have my thanks. Here's to looking up!

I can not wait either to see the crazy video's (I hope!) and I'm printing out those words so I don't forget to 'look up' hugs

It's wonderful that sweet Snook has found so many here who are kind and supportive! My thanks to you as well for being there for her! 😊

Love you! I didn't mean to make you cry, even if they were good tears! Now, don't forget it!!! Your singing Hallelujah was beautiful and it was great to see you get into it and let your heart out through the song! You're the kind of person someone would pull to the side of the road for! ;) Hugs!

Now, don't forget it!!!

I will not, maybe, I'll try. really hard not to :D <3

and now WHO in their right mind would call you when you were driving????? hmmmmmmm :D <3 huge hugs

Thank you for sharing these words! It's been a hard road, but how much better now on Steem!! There's so much you can share with newer members! And yes - your song is lovely!!! ❤

I swear I wrote you a comment.......... so if you get two...you know why loll

yes, I have steemit now and people like YOU make it the place of happiness that it is <3

It IS :D and people like you make it so much fun to be here <3

I feel for you so much, everytime i read your post I get a teardrop out but I know for sure There's someone up there thinking about you. I'd not miss your post for breakfast.

There's someone up there thinking about you.

There is :D and I know that too. and Thank you for your kind words!! They mean a lot but don't worry so. It's just life. My life that was only given to me to make it through and learn many things along the way........and it lead me here, now to Steemit and could not think of a better place to be :D

Steemit connected us. I'm glad to know you.

cant wait to see who wins the tenfactsonelie challenge by you. Btw, my husband wonders what I keep doing with my PC all day long or night :p universal trait

ohhhhhhhh thanks! I forgot. I need to write that post ..like now LOLLL about the 10 truths :D hugs and hubby's :D makes me smile! Thank You for that!

People think I'm nuts gaming all the time, but it's great fun a good distraction when you need it. It's sad to hear you have had so much to deal with, but also quite wonderful you have found a way to get past it through Steemit creating your wonderful content and interacting with others as well. With Steemit being so laggy I'm well behind on reading posts, but I did enjoy your Karaoke singing compared to my singing you are really good!

I think we are all behind but I don't know how you even keep up when Steemit is working LOLL

and yes, non-gamers don't understand gamers.......it's a weird fact of life.....sad for them and all they are missing out on :D

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