About the Virtues of Ramadan, the hadith narrated by Salman (R) is Jeif (weak)

in #ramadan6 years ago (edited)

Question: One Khatib of a mosque in this region mentioned a tradition in his sermon related to Salman (may Allah be pleased with him). It is in the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) gave sermons to them on the last day of the month of Sha'ban. One brother, in front of people, publicly opposed the hadith of Imam Sahib and said that this hadith narrated from Salman (may Allah be pleased with him) Likewise, "If a person is feeding a fasting person, he will drink a drink from a cowher in my house." That is why he will not be thirsty until he enters Paradise. "Similarly," Allah will forgive him who will make his slaves easy, and release him from the fire. "The brother said:" These words are on the Prophet False accusation The person who lied about Allah's Messenger should decide his place in Hell ........ This Hadith is authentic; Or is not sahihah?


Praise be to Allah.

This Hadith Ibn Khusaima as narrated by Salman (may Allah have mercy on him) narrated in his book Sahih. He said: "The Book of Virtue of Ramadan; If this hadith is authentic ". Then he said: 'Ali bin Huzar narrated to us al-Sadi Hadith; He said: Yusuf bin Ziyad has narrated to us; He said: Humayun ibn Yahya has narrated the hadith from Ali bin Zaid bin Jadan; He is from Saeed bin Al-Mu'shayyib, from Salman (ra); he says:


On the last day of the month of Sha'ban, Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) gave a sermon to us. On the sermon, he said: "O people! A great month has come to you. A blessed month has arrived. This month there is a night better than a thousand months. Allah has made obligatory to perform fasting this month, and on the night of this month, he has performed keema (salat) in the month of Ramadan. It is equivalent to doing one good work in this month in another month. And in this month, performing an obligatory duty is equivalent to doing seventy obligations in the second month. This is - the month of patience; Patience is rewarded - Jannat This is - month of sympathy. This is a month so that the provision of a believer increases. In this month, if someone breaks a fasting person, the sins of those people will be forgiven, the person will be released from the fire of hell and he will be rewarded equal to that fasting; But there will be no shortfall in the reward of the Rojadar. They said that not all of us have the ability to do a fasting iftar. He said: If any person makes a fasting drink with a date or a dip water or a sip milk, then Allah will also give this reward to him. It is in the first part of the month Rahmat, the second part is the forgiveness and the last part is salvation from hell. And whoever makes the duty of his slaves easy, Allah will forgive him and release him from hell. So this month you have to do four more jobs. There are two things that you will satisfy your Rabb. And the two things are not what you do not. By doing two things, you will please your Lord: (1) To testify that there is no deity (god) besides Allah and (2) praying to him for forgiveness or forgiveness. And the two things you do not do, (3) you will pray to Allah with Paradise and (4) seek refuge with Him from the fire of Hell. And this person who will feed a fasting person in this month, Allah will make him drink a dip of water from my house, so that he will not be thirsty until he enters the Paradise. "

According to the hadith of the given Hadith, there is a Rabi - Ali bin Zaid bin Jadan He is a Yayif or weak Rabi. Because his muzzle was weak.

Another narrator of the hadith is Yousuf Bin Ziyad al-Basri. He "Munkarul Hadith"

Another narrator of the Hadith is Hanum bin Yahya bin Dinar al-Awadi. About him, Ibn al-Tha says in the book At-Takwari: ثقة ربما وهم. (He used to make a mistake, but sometimes he makes a mistake). [With reference to two words of faith and religion, through the term "twenty-six"

Based on this review, the authenticity of this tradition is not false or fabricated; But yayf or weak Although it is weak, the Sahih Hadith on the merits of Ramadan is enough.

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