The Richest Man Ever

in #rajeev7 years ago

"To become rich," Rosh said, "you have to become different first. Do things differently, see things differently. From the majority."

"It takes vision to see what others can't see yet. And faith in your vision to convert it into a reality. And resources to make it happen. And courage to actually do it."

"You need to leave the crowd and stand alone. You need courage to do that, to follow your muse, to believe in yourself. Success is guaranteed then."

"But to succeed big, to make it into the big league, you also need some luck."

"In 1866, a young bookkeeping apprentice set up an oil refinery in Cleveland, Ohio. At the time, oil was an unpopular fuel. It was messy and dangerous, but he believed it had great potential."

"He was right!"

"In just a few years, business was booming. However, instead of squandering his profits on drinking, gambling and women, he reinvested them in his vision. He bought out competing oil wells."

"His strategy worked. By the 1880's, his company was a monster. Its vast American empire included 20,000 domestic wells, 4,000 miles of pipeline, 5,000 tank cars, and over 100,000 employees."

"It became the largest oil refiner in the world. Its share of world oil refining was more than 90%, and it had become the largest monopoly in recorded history."

"In fact, it was so powerful the US government was terrified. They eventually used the Supreme Court to dissolve the energy behemoth into 34 smaller companies in 1916."

"Not bad for a company founded by an apprentice! To date, with a May 2013 market value of over 400 billion USD, it remains the most valuable oil company in the world. It is also the second most valuable company on the world stock markets, beaten only marginally by Apple. Guess who that company is?"

"Exxon Mobil," Josh tried.

"Correcto!" Rosh smiled, "although at that time, the company's name was Standard Oil, and the young founder was John Davison Rockefeller, the richest man ever."

"Rockefeller (1839 - 1937) was America's first billionaire and tycoon, and a controversial figure during his lifetime. Many saw him as a villainous 'robber baron'. However, whatever you think of the man, he left a tremendous legacy."

"His idea of joining multiple companies under one roof formed the basis of the modern day 'corporation'. He also founded great educational institutions including Chicago University, and countless other great works during his life-time."

"In 1913, he created his philanthropic organization, The Rockefeller Foundation to focus on solving problems at "the root of individual or social ill-being and misery."

"His Foundation later helped establish the first ever 'medical research' institutes like the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom, and in the United States - the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and Harvard School of Public Health, two of the first such institutions in USA."

"In 1927, it helped establish the School of Hygiene at the University of Toronto. Wilbur Sawyer Papers state that the Rockefeller Foundation helped develop the vaccine to prevent yellow fever."

"Even more impressively, Rockefeller scientists virtually eradicated hookworm in the Americas south of USA, and saved millions of people from the intestine eating menace!"

"To this day, his family has continued this good work. They pour billions into medical research, education and humanitarian causes."

"After a certain point, money just becomes a number in the bank account. You get no more happiness by having more of it. But it can still be used to bring health and happiness to others. There is afterall, no greater happiness than in giving."

"So, step up and build your wealth. Earn and Invest. Do it not just for yourself and your family, but also for your community and country. Leave a legacy behind."

"I am not saying Rockefeller was perfect or that 'big oil' is an angelic industry. But it is clear 'what one person can do' with a big enough vision and mighty action."

"So think big. And craft your destiny!"

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