Transpicuous Views: Epic Journey of WeBeFree Mike

Last Saturday I was gifted with a visit from my awesome friend "Gilga" WeBeFree Mike, who came to Malta for a week. Many of you who have been following "Removing the Shackles" may remember the "Epic Journey of Gilga Mike", as I nick-named him, when he began his journey hitchhiking from Germany down to the south of Spain, and is adventures in living "homeless". ( Part 1 , Part 2 ).

For the past 5 years, Mike has lived an incredible life, giving up all external identifiers and possessions, to live "homeless" in a beach town in the south of Spain where he really learned all about life, the universe and everything. This is Mike's journey to discovering what it means to truly become an "Adult", and find his true self, without the "I haves" or "You Ares".


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