What's worse than a RACIST?

in #racist6 years ago

Being a racist and treating someone bad or hurting them because of their race is truly disgraceful and despicable.

It is unfair, it is unjust and it makes the hater a truly pathetic person.

Today, however, there is a NEW CLASS OF PEOPLE that are worse than racists. They are the RACE BAITERS!

The race baiters are those who try to label everyone they hate and disagree with as racists.

They use the word "RACIST" so much, it really doesn't have much meaning anymore. It also exposes the type of person they are, and sadly, those are the people who are unwilling to have an honest discussion with those they hate.

I am specifically talking about those in the media and all politically-driven mental midgets who try to pin the word RACIST on President Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Fox News journalists, members of the NRA, and on and on.... practically anyone who is conservative, respects the US constitution, rejects socialism and communism and believes in liberty and justice for all!

Unfortunately, RACE BAITING has become a cancer, and kind of a sport, in our country, and those who have been brainwashed into believing this shit are going to destroy this country from within.

When I saw Robert De Niro go up in front of the audience at the Tony Awards and say, "FUCK TRUMP," my first thought was - you little pathetic piece of shit! A once-great actor, who has now become this little petty, ignorant piece-of-shit of a person.

But then when I saw the audience applaud, and give De Niro a standing ovation, I was really saddened to think how far our society has degraded. Every goddamn, unpatriotic person in that audience should be ashamed. Perhaps we are justified to say "FUCK HOLLYWOOD!" And all your phony-baloney award shows!

This is not the great country that it used to be, and we are not standing as one, anymore.

And I almost don't care anymore. Its totally useless to argue with these people. They are totally brainwashed and practically brain dead.

If we are unable to turn this insanity around, we may end up like Venezuela with a population in chaos and despair. And the only comfort and delight I'll have is knowing that those who got us to this point will be suffering too! Except they'll be too ignorant and stupid to understand why.


I believe respect is the bases of our society, therefore, when I allow my ears to listen to someone to blip at this Country's President, I can't help but to feel sorry for the person, because it shows how dark his/her heart is. As for racist I think I do discriminate against lousy attitude. Thank you for your post.

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