"White lives don't matter," "Abolish Whiteness" hmmm...

in #racism4 years ago



"White lives don't matter." and "Abolish whiteness." she said. Yeah, this is another example of the racist, paternal, egalitarian, intersectional left saying the quiet part loud. This also shows (again) that the hard right can be just as fragile as the people they call "snowflakes."

I don't know if my reaction to this is typical. I just chuckled, honestly. I chuckled the same way that I did watching my beloved Buffalo Bills get the shit kicked out of them by the Ravens the season before last. Only, I was more hurt by the football game. It's hard to be offended by a statement which is this utterly, transparently stupid. One of the greatest complements that you can receive is to be called a racist by a racist.

Also, "abolish whiteness" seems to focus on white culture, assuming there is a direct connection between race and culture, which is racist in and of itself. So, the same institution of academia which has been beating the drum of cultural appropriation, respect for other cultures, and instituted speech codes and restrictions on Halloween costumes in the name of cultural tolerance has also managed to breed an ideology that has lead people to want to destroy a culture.

This is what moving from individualism to collectivism gets you, racists.

The backlash to her racist statements have certainty revealed more people with racist attitudes on the right. Basically, everything about this is vile. Gopal's statements were vile. The petition to get her fired is vile. The statements made about her have been vile. Some of the messages that she's received may be criminal. Cambridge seems to be kinda getting this right by defending Gopal's right to speech. Somehow, if a white professor would dare to say, "All lives matter" I doubt that that professor could get the same support.

Here's the important thing, though: no matter how vile, the free speech from both sides should be defended. If you've never said, "Oh for fuck's sake." before defending a person's speech, you've never defended free speech.

I would also challenge any friends who are fans of cancel culture to grapple with this case. In this case, it's a lefty professor who a bunch of righty students are trying to cancel. Are you fine with cancel culture now? Or, do you only like cancel culture when it's working for your side?

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