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RE: We Are All Racists

in #racism8 years ago

is because the definition of racism is blurred.

humans themselves blurred it to serve a primal pattern recognition instict. i explain this in the article

...very ironically, is accompanied by the idea that the racist should be given power

And they are. Those who discriminate in regards to any attribute seem to distinguish value. For example one could be racist against Steemit and not Bitcoin even if Steemit is better at many things. The fact that Bitcoin came earlier though, dominating the market gives it a "Race" advantage

-The way I use the terms, understanding "racial" differences is not the same as racism. For example, a physician taking into account the family history of his patient when prescribing him a medicine is not a racist. Neither is the asian man who based on science makes a decission to be more careful not to overconsume alcohol.

i never said those are racist attributed. those are merely classifications for another purpose. Marrying someone because he is physician though or assuming the asian is better at math rhymes along racist attributes.


You don't seem to make proper distinction between cooperative behaviour and collectivism - as well as between concept creation and mistaken bias.

As this would likely take many hours to deal with, I'm giving up this conversation.

...assuming the asian is better at math rhymes along racist attributes.

Depends on what asian you are talking about: the asian man in the example or the asian in general? And better than who exactly? If someone was to accept scientific data (if there was such available) showing that people with Asian descent tend in average to be better at math (or have a higher IQ) than people made up of different biological backgrounds, that would make that person racist? Sorry for the hypothetical question, because I have not read enough about the topic to have a definitive answer in regards to the correlation between physical and psychological traits, but all I'm trying to point here, whether it would be for anthropometric, cultural reasons or else, is that if there was revealed to be something about ''the asian is better at math'', I wouldn't label this along racist attributes because of the appreciation (better, more, less or not than) that would happen in this case to reflect reality about only one single trait. I believe what we are talking about here is racialism not racism, even if some dictionnaries seem to see the two words as interchangeable (erasing as a result the former à la 1984?), I can't help but to make a distinction between the ideas of ''we are different as groups'' (racialism) and ''we are superior as a group'' (racism).

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