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RE: We Are All Racists

in #racism8 years ago

Sure everyone is discriminatory in their thinking at some point in their life but not everyone will act upon their thoughts to actively discriminate.

ofcourse they do. its called voting. cheering up for one group over another..etc. i explain it in detail in the article.


Are you sure that everyone votes?

yes i am sure and it doesn't only include civic votes :)

Very sure that on the entire planet you cannot find one person that never votes? Anyway the voting is irrelevant to your assertion that everyone discriminates, you have widened the definition of discrimination to the point where it is entirely meaningless.

Or they can be rational and cheer for whomever is helping them at the time. I don't promote any group which hasn't in the past helped me in some way or which I don't see as being willing to help me. Now, there is strength in numbers, but if you separate by race you actually lower your numbers by dividing the potential size of your group.

That being said, because of basic ignorance, people marginalize their groups. This isn't likely to change any time soon, but just like in prison we can see that the prisoners don't benefit from being divided racially, as they cannot easily protest or organize their labor if they are divided like that.

That's how the initial "racism" connudrum begins. People stat supporting those who are like them or those who help them. Groupies are then formed. this leads to "racism".

That being said, because of basic ignorance, people marginalize their groups. This isn't likely to change any time soon, but just like in prison we can see that the prisoners don't benefit from being divided racially, as they cannot easily protest or organize their labor if they are divided like that.

irrelevant on one basic correlation. The western civilisaton can say that it advanced by abusing all other races for centuries. the proof is the higher level we are right now.

please. learn to argue

I never said don't support those who support you, or not to support your group, whether it be your affinity group, or ideological group, or whatever.

Help yourself and your group as much as you can, but doing it in a rational way does not require the concept of race. If a bunch of people who look similar to you choose to be part of your group then they are your group, but there is no reason someone has to be in your group MERELY because they look like you as this wouldn't be rational.

Basically, being in the group is earned. Race isn't earned.

again. for the n'th time. i am not talking about skin colour and the conventional way that you the liberal "equal" bullshiter dana perceives reality. that's like the first line of my post. you are either retarded or incredibly stubborn to prove your point.

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