
@anotherjoe shared this Morgan Freeman video clip with me that I think was brilliant. He summed up what I am trying to say in short clip...

That is about Black History Month... and he mentions White and Jewish History Month.

Black Lives Matter is a bad label, just as White Lives Matter would be a bad label. If you want racism to end then stop referring to people by color.

Which is which is why I prefer the phrase All Lives Matter. No need to single out a race. They all matter. Singling out a race puts emphasis, it is the opposite of what we need to do in order to defeat racism.

All Lives Matter so why is person X being treated this way?

Where X could be any LABEL that fits and doesn't even have to be race. It can be sexual preference, religion, political affiliation, etc.

BLM says people are trying to difuse their message when they say All Lives Matter. In reality they are just trying to make the movement about the goal of ending racism. To do that they take the LABEL of the movement as being about one color away. BLM's intentions may not have been racist, but the label is racist. Many people don't use it as such and are following what the initial intent is. Others are using it to fuel new race hate.

That's the thing about labels... when you make one you may INTEND it mean a certain thing. Yet you don't control all the people so you cannot control how they will interpret it.

All Lives Matter is hard to misinterpret.

can you give me a situation where people involved take into account that all live matter? Can you give me a situation where the powers to be act accordingly so that it is known that all lives matter? What do you do with difference?

I do not recognize the authority of the powers that be, I simply can do nothing about them. I do not have the control over whether other people believe all lives matter, I can only control that in myself. I can attempt to tell people it is important that all people matter. Yet whether I say something that helps or not, or whether they say something that helps me, this I cannot predict. I can only try.

Can you say that someone other than yourself matters?

Yep. Everyone matters. The action and inaction of people has consequences. For I said I believe in equal opportunity, but I cannot force another to seize such an opportunity when it is presented. That is choice. As such some people will achieve things that others do not. As long as when the opportunity existed they were given a chance to choose whether to pursue it or not it is still equality. Good ideas don't require force.

There is no remainder. All lives matter. I can only convince myself. Good ideas do not require force. Lead by example. Treat people as equals and give them the same opportunities if such opportunities are mine to give. I cannot force other people. Nothing done under force can be considered genuine either it is simply duress.

Yes but the Greatness is vast, there are differences, Great Divides, Hard Choices. Can you give me an example of All Lives Mattering in Action? Surely there are situations where all lives have mattered...

Also I am not really concerned with finding such examples. Why? Because racism exists. If we are to defeat it we will not do so by doing the things we have already done in the past. We must look forward and do new things. The cycle of the target of racism moving from one target to the next you can find in history. History would seem to show that you cannot defeat it by highlighting a race.

I tend to agree with Morgan Freeman. If you want to end it, stop referring to people's color as a race. We are simply the Human Race.

It is not complex to comprehend, but it is difficult to let go of tradition. If we want racism to end then there are traditions that we must let go.

Hahah,... been awhile since I watched that. I was pretty young when that came out.

EDIT: To clarify that was the 1970s and the time period it is portraying is around the 50s.

somethin's begun, but uh ...

Oh and thank you. I truly do care about all lives.

What do you do with The Remainder in The Equation that Equals All Lives?

"can you give me a situation where people involved take into account that all live matter? Can you give me a situation where the powers to be act accordingly so that it is known that all lives matter? What do you do with difference?"

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