in #racism5 years ago

It's funny that some people think you can't be racist towards white people.

I'm not kidding, some people actually think this!!!

If you're not from America or not following any extreme leftists on social media, you might be really confused right now and wondering how anyone could realistically think this.

But somehow they do.

Sure, it's just a small set of sort of weird and hateful people. But it's common enough where I've ejected more than one person from my Facebook life for thinking this.

The "thinking" is something along the lines of: White people aren't systematically oppressed, so therefore you can't be racist against them.


Obviously this doesn't take a lot of brain power to dispel.

If I say "[pick a color] people are awful"... that's racist! Racism doesn't hinge on how oppressed you think someone is.

(In fact, believing my statement would be racist for some races and not for others is itself a form of racism!)

And one reason they need to rearrange it like this is probably that they've been taught to say and think disparaging things towards white people, as though it's just casual rhetoric, as a means to getting some of the outcomes and policies that they want.

And white people I think often aren't too quick to notice or say much about it. So it grows, and then when you point out that what they said is racist, their head explodes.


A Betsy Ross flag is racist. Enforcing the border of a country is racist. But then actual, direct racism isn't racist. 😂😂😂

It's just too much. I used to think that stuff like going to war to create peace or not realizing that taxation is theft is the height of being brainwashed.

But this really takes the prize lol

I don't think my fascination with this has anything to do with the fact that I'm white. I don't really identify as a color at all. And the SJW propaganda really is just hurting and abusing the people who believe it more than anyone else.

I just think it's an amazingly good litmus test.

It's so clear and simple that >>> "white" is a race, therefore it's possible to be racist against white..

So if you come across anyone who believes the story line about why racism against white people isn't possible, then you know they're mind fucked.

It's about as stupid as believing the water from Poland Springs is the one brand of water that doesn't freeze.

No one believes that from their heart on their own. Takes a lot of conditioning and brainwashing.


Haha ofc you can be racist against white people! It's in the damn word for fuck sake. It doesn't say "minorotism" it says "racism" i.e all race. So discrimination against any race no matter the level of opression IS racism!

I would say though that there is levels to it. I know liberals most of the time like to say racism is racism, and I know why they choose to say this cos like when we start saying oh this is just a minor stuff it can act as a sort of gateway to deeper more depraved stuff but still there are indeed degrees to it. It's why literally they call them "micro transagressions."

I'd rate racism against white people as more inconsequential than most races but STILL it DOES exist and it IS racism.

Also FWIW I don't think people who believe there's no racism against whites are victims of ahigh level of mind fuckery. I think A. They're just dumb. Or B. A mini level mind fuckery at best.

stuff like going to war to create peace

Now this! LMAO. This is the greatest one ever haha.

Also, I don't quite think taxation is theft. Have I been brainwashed OMG haha

Fr though, this is my reason in bullet points:

  • Infrastructures and developments and everything tax ideally go for are necessary

  • It must come from somewhere

  • If nobody pays it doesn't come

  • If a few people pay it makes no sense

  • The only sensible thing is for all to pay.

It may be inconvenient but I think it's necessary and so not necessarily theft.

Now I mean all these "ideally." For instance in my country taxation is basically absolutely THEFT because taxpayer money go directly into politicians pockets.

But I still think ideal taxation isn't theft. Have I been brainwashed? Help me, brother! Help me!!!


p.s. in my reply, sorry that I did not bring the heat and come with bullet points.

Haha ofc you can be racist against white people! It's in the damn word for fuck sake. It doesn't say "minorotism" it says "racism" i.e all race. So discrimination against any race no matter the level of opression IS racism!


It might be fair to say: Racism against a majority isn't as dangerous or as much of a thing to worry about as racism against a minority. But to believe racism against the majority is not a real thing.. 🤔🙈🤔🤪 is just bizarre and stupid lol .. like how could it not exist

I'd rate racism against white people as more inconsequential than most races but STILL it DOES exist and it IS racism.

oh you said the same thing! I wrote the thing above ^^ before I read your whole reply.

And I agree.. probably, maybe. But only in the sense of like there probably won't be concentration camps or slavery or things like that against the majority.

In more subtle ways, like in terms of just living your best life and being the best group of people.. it's bad to be mildly skeptical or disliking towards a race (bad for everyone I mean). So it holds people back from being totally in sync and being post-racial.

It's like the typical SJW has been designed to ACTIVELY HATE (and often do exactly what they claim to oppose, i.e. generalize and obsess over race), and then the pendulum swings rather than settles, and there's a lot of friction and nonsense that doesn't need to be there.

Exactly, racism is awful. Period.

Yup, ppl be retarded... double think hypocrisy

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