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RE: The Negroid, And the truth of races

in #races5 years ago

For the “pecularities of the negro brain”, read this:
-Paul Brocca- -Manipulated Data and hypothesis about posterior placement of foramen magnum to support white superiority
-Didn’t account for uncontrolled factors of brains
-used the location of the foranen magnum as a divider of genu and splenium to conclude that
whites were better

If one is “concerned simply with the question whether [human races]… are different”, then “there can be no doubt as to the answer”. However, “the words 'superior’ and 'inferior’ are not generally used unless value judgements are concerned” (p421).

Any value judgement is necessarily subjective. On objective criteria, each group can only be demonstrated to be, on average, superior in a specific endeavour (e.g. IQ tests, sports, mugging, tanning, building civilizations). The value ascribed to these endeavours is, however, wholly subjective.

Contemporary hereditarians therefore disclaim any association between their theories and notions of racial supremacy. However, these hereditarians are the same individuals who emphasise the predictive power of IQ tests in determining many social outcomes which are generally viewed in anything but value-neutral terms (e.g. wealth, criminality, illegitimacy, welfare dependency: see The Bell Curve).

From a biological perspective, no species (or subspecies) is superior to another. Each is equally adapted to its own ecological niche.

amygdala, hippocampus, lateral ventricles, caudate nucleus, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and total cerebrum. Each participant completed a 1.5 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our primary finding in analyses of brain subregions was that when compared to Caucasians, African Americans exhibited larger left OFC volumes (F 1,68 = 7.50, p = 0.008).

[...] there were no statistically significant differences in total gray matter, total white matter, or ventricular CSF volumes. In models examining specific brain regions, the only statistically significant difference was that African-Americans exhibited larger left OFC volumes than Caucasians. However, when regional ratios were examined (regional volume/total cerebral volume), the African-American cohort exhibited greater ratios for the right amygdala and bilaterally for the OFC


African IQs vs. American Black IQs
The estimate of Africa IQ being on average 2 SD below is based on Lynn's cherry-picked data. A systematic review showed that Lynn artificially reduced the average by at least 12 points. Countries like Swaziland even have a higher national IQ than American blacks with zero European mixture. Also the BW gap in the US has been reduced by .33 SD to around 9. Toxic lead exposure in childhood can reduce IQs by 6 points and black children have 50 percent higher blood-lead content on average due to the environmental effects of housing segregation. Known social and environmental factors can account for most if not all the gap.

No study to date has shown a correlation between levels of European admixture and IQ. Even Rushton and Jensen admit as much:
Racial admixture studies have clearly failed to support the hereditarian
interpretation of the Black–White IQ gap. Instead, they have provided
evidence that seems to contradict it. Even Rushton and Jensen (2005)
acknowledged that “blood groups distinguishing African from European
ancestry did not predict IQ scores in Black samples” (p. 262), but on the
same page they claimed inexplicably that “studies of racial hybrids are
generally consistent with the genetic hypothesis, [although] to date
they are not conclusive”. Nisbett (2005, p. 309) responded to Rushton
and Jensen with what seems like a more reasonable conclusion: “The
most directly relevant research concerns degree of European ancestry
in the Black population. There is not a shred of evidence in this literature,
which draws on studies having a total of five very different designs,
that the gap has a genetic basis.”…

Health and Nutrition
Percentage of children aged 1–5 with blood lead levels at least 10 µg/dL. Black and Hispanic children have much higher levels than white children. A 10 µg/dL increase in blood lead at 24 months is associated with a 5.8-point decline in IQ.[74] Although the Geometric Mean Blood Lead Levels (GM BLL) are declining, a CDC report (2002) states that: "However, the GM BLL for non-Hispanic black children remains higher


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