Fire down below

in #r1v3rlast year

Fire Base Down Below
Dr. Devil
Tactical Advantage:
• Supply & Spy
• Stand Your Ground
• Counter Spin
• El’Ganda Shill

3 way Ukraine Genocide on the way!

• U.S. Nazi-Jew Regime
• Swiss-French U.N. Tank Queue-bek UP
• Ft. Benning Bradly Rollout

Gomorra Genocide All Over!

Away Abortion Attacks America

U.S. Lies To Hold South Korea until they die.

 One way in, One way out

         Bases all around!

& Underground…

Exchange Undergone Relocation 

Ex/Im Global Extortion Crisis

Sgt. Gray Kidnapping Raid X Capital Riot Scheme

Marshal Law bust, Empty Hospital post Covid
Denver, CO/Prescott, AZ/Muskogee, OK
Military Behavior Health Post up prior to Covid!
Chemical Weaponry & Pharma phase of Operation. Ukraine biotech weapon manufacturer.

FBI Davis Corona Covid Blame Team
Okie from Muskogee & Homeland Security
Bernie Miles, Dennis Bower, Jonathan Bower, George Hoche. FBI Directive Criminal Charges.

U.S. Army Ramps Up Engineer Recruit After PSYOP Filled…

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63095.58
ETH 2475.10
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64