350+ Days of Qurator | 1500+ Members | Thanks Everyone | Competition Time

in #qurator6 years ago (edited)

Holy smokes! It feels like just yesterday that Q was launched. Where I was dreaming the account would reach 10K Steem power. Members joined here and there but never thought we would reach quadruple digits within a year. Stoked with the progress and happy to be supporting so many Steemians!

Thank you!

First off I want to thank the awesome team behind Qurator!

@boontjie | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @stresskiller | @blacklux

Without you, Qurator would not be what it is today. I really do appreciate the time and effort that you all put into Qurator each day.

Qurator has just passed 350 days, 1500 members, over 100K Steem Power and 800 Witness votes. I couldn't be happier!

That means on average we manually approved about 4 members a day, this number was way higher in the beginning when Steem price was booming and new people were joining from all over the world. Nowadays we are not seeing that many new members, but we are still registering a few a week. =)

Qurator is steeming on and strong and will continue to do so in order to support all the awesome Steemit members, especially minnows!

Thanks to all the Qurites for making the Qurator project a reality, it is indeed you all that keep the account afloat and able to support so many Steemians.

Competition time!

This competition will only be for Qurator members that joined before August (for obvious reasons).

We have a list of members in the order that they joined, so I will make I as simple as possible. If you joined Qurator you are part of that 1500. When did you join though? Were you member 1, 100, 500, 1000? Who knows!?!?

Take a wild guess! All you have to do to enter is comment with a number between 1 - 1500. I will check what number you are in our database and the member that guess his/her number correctly or the closest to it will win 100% upvotes from me for a month.

Comment to enter, the winner will be announced when this post reaches payout.

I might even drop a hint or two by saying higher / lower.

In the event that there are multiple members that guess correctly then the winner will be picked randomly from those who guessed right.

Qurator 3.0 - UPDATE POST - Guidelines | Registration Details | Tier Changes

Want to support the project?
Vote for @qurator as a Steemit witness on

Via steemit.com.

Via SteemConnect.

Thank you for reading! Steem on Steemians!



Around 927! XD

No hints for you. =P

Thank you for being a member and supporter of the creativebot.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Keep Steeming on!! <3

What a great contest idea!!
Good Luck everyone

As for being a part of qurator... WOW I joined WAY back when... (just looked at my number-lol) DANG!

My first DQ as the newsletter lady was number 68... EEK! Been forever and a day- it's been GREAT!

Thanks! =)

Like to give back a bit more here and there. Especially with the low price =P

Wowza, 68... that is ages ago. Grateful for every write up. =)


Try half of that! You joined pretty early on. =)

460? I remember thinking I had missed the boat since all my friends seemed to be here before me :)

I will not try to guess, let's just say I am a very earlier adopter :p
It's a HUGE pleasure to be part of this straightforward and honest team. Definitely a blow of fresh air across the whole blockchain!
Now go pump me that Steem price and lets get this party started!

I am loving the team, we go together like peanut butter and jam. Just wish we could meet up, hang out and crack open a cold one! The lobster is still waiting for you and Ewa in South Korea... Hint hint. Thanks again for all you do =)

Much lower =)

Really? Thought I was up there. 243?

Oh dear, I think I messed up one your 1st comment. HIGHER HIGHER!

Fun contest! I know I joined qurator within 2 or 3 months of joining steemit and qurator was only a few months old but I don't remember much else LoL.. so my guess is 264

One of the Q Veterans here! You can go lower mate, you joined very early =)

I thought so but I didn't want to under guess.. how bout 101?

Much better, but just was way too much... Ramp it up a bit

LoL, sounds about right.. lets give 159 a try!

New members slowed down a bit over the last few months, go a little higher mate. =)

Oooohhhh. Much better! Stay...

Stay? No more guess?

I don't want to give more hints, but you are pretty close ;)

That was a long time ago! I think I was in early on, but really have no idea! I'll guess 50?

Another Q Veteran here! Close, but a little lower... just a tad =P

Well then....46?

Smidge, shimmy... almost =P

Smidge would be 45...but then another shimmy? 44?

Shimmy a smidge harder, hehe

I see what you did there...

Much much lower!

My new guess is 437.

Oh, man. I was not trying to be sneaky.

Thanks for giving me a super hint. I guess since time flies when you are having fun, I lost track of how long I have been apart of @qurator.

I did notice that each digit I wrote was prime and that the first two combined digits and last two were prime also.

That hint had a double meaning. ;) So I would say higher again. ;)

I am totally confused now but won't give up.

My new, new guess is 668.

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