Qurator's Shooting Star | @merryslamb

in #qurator6 years ago



What, or maybe I should say who, is a “Shooting Star”?

Let me explain... In @qurator's continued dedication on showcasing its members we recently started a weekly feature called the Shining Qurite , where we feature a few recent quality posts from one of our selected members who show exemplary commitment to the platform, engages with other steemians and shares valuable and extraordinary posts to the community.
But you are newer to the platform, have less than or right around 100 Steem Power and are looking to further advance and get noticed... so, how can you do that?


Every Sunday, @goldendawne will be featuring a Qurite who has been dedicated and posting consistently but just can't get the recognition he or she is seeking and deserving of. The Shooting Star will also receive extra rewards from Qurator for the next week. They will be upgraded to Tier 5 if they are not already in Tier 5. With the Tier 5 upgrade they will also get bonus upvotes from:

@qurator Tier 5 upvote
@qurator-tier-0 10%
@qurator-tier-1-2 10%

So keep posting quality writing and images (that are sourced properly) and you may find yourself in the SPOTLIGHT of being the next Shooting Star!

Your Quality Curator ~( @goldendawne )~ Presents:

Qurator's SHOOTING STAR Of The Week!


Today I Going To Talk About Phytotherapy

It is part of the natural therapies that in many countries are more common than you imagine and most of it is done through self-consumption. The products that are used are those of mother nature provides us, and that is that I am talking about the plants or products of vegetable origin that are used for healing, prevention or failing the relief of various symptoms or discomforts that may afflict to our body. Many believe that this practice is useless, but we must remind those people that the consumption of plants has existed since ancient times and when combined with medications prescribed by doctors have better results

Let's Meet “Ksamigos restaurant

If anything, my trips have taught me to try new things, from the adventures to the typical meals and typical dishes of each region.
No doubt the more you travel the more you will mature certain aspects of your qualities as a traveler and learn to yield a little more in terms of new things.
I had a terrible bad habit of everywhere I went I always asked for the same dish and I never dared to experience new flavors, it was something like not wanting to leave my comfort zone

Things That Make The World A Better Place

Many times, we are so busy in our day to day that we forget to appreciate what we have, or simply to see the greatness of the simple things that we have around us. If you are a pessimistic person who lives complaining about your life, this article will be good for you to read it. I want to make you a little more aware of what really

The Shooting Star Wall of Fame

Since we will be featuring a Shooting Star each week we are going to start the Shooting Star Wall of Fame where all the featured members will be placed. We think this will be a great place for new steemians to find great authors who are also starting their awesome steemit adventures. If you are a Shooting Star, feel free to use your badge in your posts, you deserve it. =)

Congratulations @merryslamb for being our 7th Shooting Star!



The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @boontjie | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @stresskiller | @blacklux

For more information about the Qurator Project and how to join click HERE

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a steemit witness.


oh my god, thank you very much, I am really very happy about this and that the work I do is taken into account

And we are very happy you are one of Qurites. Wonderful to have you :)
Enjoy your extra boost!

oh thanks, I hope to keep doing it well

Congratulations on being the latest shooting star @merryslamb. Enjoy your week in the limelight! 😊

oh dear it is an honor to receive the congratulations of all, I am very excited

Congratulations! @merryslamb

thank you my friend

Congrats @merryslamb and enjoy your shooting star status, I know I did!

oh yes my friend, thank you very much for congratulating me

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