
My father left, year later I asked him why he did not take us with him. His answer: if I would have done that she would have been in a madhouse. I said that is exactly the place were she belongs.
But fact was he started a new life and did not want us and left the responsibility of taking care of a psychopath with me as he left with the words: Take good care of your mother.

I know there are way more mothers like that. I once read a book about a girl with a mother like that. She was tight to the table, looked in the shed, beaten up and as cps came mother was so kind and fooled everyone. Nobody at school knew how or what. As I read it I thought: OMG this is exactly my life. I forgot the name of the book and still can not find it. Well if I want I can write my own horror.

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@wakeupkitty I feel bad for you, and shame on your father. He is to blame for not speaking up and saving his children from her.

I agree with you and also told him so. He only saved his own butts my little brother survived but is broke for the rest of his life. My father even denied what happened... did as if he made it up.

Posted using Partiko Android

so sad @wakeupkitty, in cases like yours it is wise to only look ahead not what is behind you. You sound like a strong woman ,a true survivor

It is the only way to survive and have a life as well. Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

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