Tasty Tuesday: Making Souffle Omlette with a Milk Frother - Does it Work?

in #qurator4 years ago

Hey everyone!

As you know that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are now being imposed into Movement Restricted / Controlled Order, particularly in Malaysia; and through this time other that working from home, one has got to stretch their muscles in creativity; and for me - it's time for me to revisit the kitchen!

Besides my mom...

And today, at Tasty Tuesday I would like to introduce to you...

I actually saw this from Gabbie Kook's channel and YouTube and this seems to be an Instagram challenge lately; and loving that what she did with her hubby, I decided to try and scale down myself and see if I can make something out before I present it to my elderly folks.

They are very Asian.... western / modern / fancy food isn't their strongest point.

It all started with an egg...

Since I was only trying out with one egg and with a milk frother, I didn't thought of having bigger utensil like bigger bowls, (which I soon felt a little regretful) and I wanted to see is it similar when you froth milk?

Cracking the Egg...

I am never good at cracking eggs; but this time, I have successfully retained the egg yolk in one piece; and these two has to be separated in order for this experiment to work successfully. You can't whip up your whites when you have the yolk in it.

Took me a while to get this focused...

At this point of time my mom would probably think I am crazy and suggest me using a mixer; but I am only whipping one egg, how hard could that be?

Somehow I would have thought frothing the milk and whipping up a stiff peak egg white would have been the same.

Happily and innocently I started the whipping,

not realising that the battery of this frother is getting weak...

After 3 minutes, it started to look promising.... and I was really happy!

And then...

Image Source

The consistency remain the same; and I realised that adding some sugar usually could thicken the egg white.

My mom later confirms it...

I just so happened to have some self grind brown sugar which is less sweet than processed white sugar, so I added it in and continue to whip it, this time with zig-zag mode just like what Gabbie's trick mentioned before.

But it wasn't easy, because even when you see that it is whipping up nicely at the top, the bottom part was still watery. Maybe I over whipped the egg white; but then again, there wasn't any stiff peak yet,

Finally! After 12 minutes of frothing I finally see some promising peaks, which means the egg white is ready!

Quickly before the egg whites start to loose its air, I attended to the egg yolk, with a pinch of Himalayan salt.

Tip: It is less salty like table salt, and has more minerals in it, making the yolk "sweeter" in taste.

Alternatively if you would like some hot feeling on your egg, you can add fine white pepper, or if you want a much more fragrant smell, rough black pepper would do great too.

Once it is done, you can add into the mixture of the egg white. careful not to spill.

I didn't have a soft spatula so I used the butter spread to do the folding. Notice if your egg whites are stiff enough, you can actually feel they are quite, fold-able.

Time to pre-heat the frying pan / skillet! Note that you can use normal (high) heat to heat up the pan with either butter or oil, but once the pan is hot enough you should lower it to medium heat.

Now to the pan. You can slowly spread out the whipped mix egg white to the center.


You can have that plain, but I have decided to add in a little more flavour to the mix; by adding a bit of pizza topping cheese (smells like cheddar) and some mixed herbs just to umph up the flavour.

This is the tricky part. The folding! When you have a fluffy center with melting cheese, things could ooze out too easily. But you got to be careful. I actually use 2 spatulas just to get this nicely done (and chipping off some deformed parts)

And Voila!

Fluffy, wiggly, and looked somewhat cotton-like at the center for the souffle omelette. I must say it was a little dry. Maybe I have let it on the pan a little too long; but I think it still taste very interesting and it has quite a light feel to it.

Does the Milk Frother Worth the Time?

Actually, if you do not have any other utensils, this probably works way much better than a fork. It takes a really long time. If you have an electric one be sure it is fully charged before you do it.

So what do you think? Would you give that a try of the Souffle omelette ?

Do comment with your link below if you have tried it yourself and I can come over to read your sharing!

I am planning to give it another go with a different utensil; this time, a more traditional method, stay tuned for that!

Until Then

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Wash Your Hands!

Thank You for Your Time


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