
It really does need lots of will power, so far so good! Next week she will go into ketosis phase, hope she can get through that because she most probably will hit by Keto Flu which is common.

Howdy today joelai! yes it sure does take will power but the health benefits are amazing as I'm sure you know.
I never had that flu but my wife did, she was pretty sick for a few days.
I'm sure you all have lots of information but in case you want to look at a good keto site here is our favorite for getting
recipe ideas:

I hope she will not get to much effect from the flu.
Ah, that's very helpful janton, we've been looking for new recipes because we are tired of eating the same o thing! LOL

Howdy again joelai! oh, you are on Keto too? I thought it was just someone else. Ok well the health benefits are amazing but yes we have to totally retrain ourselves on how to eat and what we like. Actually we have a cheat weekend every two weeks where we take at least one day to eat whatever carbs we want.

It's seldom enough that it doesn't destroy our diet but lets us enjoy things like pizza or ice cream.
But that is the biggest problem, the limited choices. I mean, all these sites have many different recipes but they all take time and we don't have the time right now.

Oh, I'm not doing the keto, Rose is but since we eat together and I'm lazy to separate our food so I just follow what she eats, but I still drink coffee and some other foods that contain natural sugars

We have a friend that's on Keta for 6 months now so we roughly know what to take, just so little choice. I totally agree on the time consumming to prepare the meals daily, it took us half a day to prepare the smoothies for morning, lunch and dinner.

Howdy again joelai! oh I understand now, well it sounds like you are doing a partial Keto eating plan by default and that is very good for you but to do it strictly does take a great deal of discipline!

Yes indeed, I guess I'm not ready to do it fully yet!

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