in #quoteseries6 years ago


Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.


From this quote i want to share a short message with you'll that, in my opinion most of the people depress about their situations and sometimes they try to compare their pain with others which in turn gives more pain because, every person have ups and downs in life but every person have the different ability to handle the situations so in first place people are doing wrong by comparing one self because we have to understand that every individual is different and their thoughts are different and every one develops through their environmental surroundings, means what teachings you received at home (Internal Factors), and the teachings which is observed in the society (External Factors). As we see the actions of sea, one day it reflects as so silent as an paused picture, and one day it will reflect as so disastrous where everyone fears to stay close. So, never judge life because nothing is constant here, only your thoughts can make you adaptive in the situations of hardships, but one situation will not stay forever, means if today you have hardships then tomorrow possibly you can face the amazing and great moments but at last you are the driver of your life.

Every bit of this life is inconstant, so our life is like boat and our thoughts are like the handle, so drive your thoughts in right way to stay strong on the path.
-Own Thoughts.

For example, there was an guy who wanted to become the actor, but he didn't have much resources and he is not able to afford the expensive things to stood in the path of acting path, but he never gave up he always motivated himself by reading biographies of those people who became famous with their hard work from nowhere. And he worked for part time jobs to fulfill his expenses and whenever he return home he start his random rehearsals, and he started giving auditions and he failed in many but he never gave up because he feed his mind with positive thoughts which he intake from the great Biographies, and his continued hard gave an small opportunity, then with is dedication and hard work, these small opportunities started becoming big opportunities and one day he reached to great heights and he reached to an position where he released his own Biography. So, it's about your thoughts, if you think then you can.

Stay Blessed. 🙂

Spread love and spread kindness.

Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda



Its always best to look for the silver linings in life and if you can't find them paint one on.

That's an great thought. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

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