
Be advised, @user2627 has been positively identified as a comment spammer. They are attempting to trick users like you into upvoting them with insincere comments. Please, refrain from upvoting them but we highly encouraging giving them a good flagging. Once my voting power is recharged, they will be dealt with more decisevely.Tagging @steemflagrewards for future flagging action. Thank you for your time!

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@neutralizer categorized as comment spam. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord

Why is your reputation(delegation) so low?

Because they are a copy paste scammer that tricked you into upvoting them. Please, unvote them. I'll take care of them with some flaggy justice. ;)

I didn't upvote him. Thanks for the great advice @neutralizer. So how do I also use @steemflagrewards?

Join the Discord. We'll get you set up to get paid fighting spam and other abuse.

OK. Thanks

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