Nice Quotes #133: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

in #quotes6 years ago


But man is so partial to systems and abstract conclusions that he is ready to distort the truth, ready to hear nor see anything, as long as he can justify his logic.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


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أيها السيد الكريم، ليس الفقر رذيلة، ولا الإدمان على السكر فضيلة، أنا أعرف ذلك أيضًا. ولكن البؤس رذيلة أيها السيد الكريم، البؤس رذيلة. يستطيع المرء في الفقر أن يظل محافظًا على نبل عواطفه الفطرية، أما في البؤس فلا يستطيع ذلك يومًا، وما من أحد يستطيعه قط. إذا كنت في البؤس فإنك لا تُطرد من مجتمع البشر ضربًا بالعصا، بل تُطرد منه ضربًا بالمكنسة، بغية إذلالك مزيدًا من الإذلال. والناس على حق في ذلك، لأنك في البؤس أول من يريد هذا الذل لنفسه بنفسه. وهذا سبب إدمانك على الشرب.

A fool is always pleased with what he says, and, besides, he always says more than he needs to.

It's in despair that you find the sharpest pleasures, particularly when you are most acutely aware of the hopelessness of your position.

It is easier for a Russian to become an Atheist, than for any other nationality in the world. And not only does a Russian 'become an Atheist,' but he actually BELIEVES IN Atheism, just as though he had found a new faith, not perceiving that he has pinned his faith to a negation. Such is our anguish of thirst!

What is most vile and despicable about money is that it even confers talent. And it will do so until the end of the world.

It is not time that matters, but you yourself.

The painter Kramskoy has a remarkable painting entitled The Contemplator: it depicts a forest in winter, and in the forest, standing all by himself on the road, in deepest solitude, a stray little peasant in a ragged caftan and bast shoes; he stands as if he were lost in thought, but he is not thinking, he is "contemplating" something. If you nudged him, he would give a start and look at you as if he had just woken up, but without understanding anything. It's true that he would come to himself at once, and yet, if he were asked what he had been thinking about while standing there, he would most likely not remember, but would most likely keep hidden away in himself the impression he had been under while contemplating. These impressions are dear to him, and he is most likely storing them up imperceptibly and even without realizing it--why and what for, he does not know either; perhaps suddenly, having stored up his impressions over many years, he will drop everything and wander off to Jerusalem to save his soul, or perhaps he will suddenly burn down his native village, or perhaps he will do both.

There are a good many "contemplatives" among our peasants. And Smerdyakov was probably one of them. And he was probably greedily hoarding up his impressions, hardly knowing why.

إنكم لا تستطيعون أن تتخيلوا مدى الألم الذي يغزو نفوسكم حين تعبرون عن فكرة عظيمة قدستموها طوال حياتكم فإذا بأفراد جهلة يجرّونها على أرض الشارع وسط أناس لا يقلون عنهم غباءً وحماقة، ثم أنتم ترونها فجأة في السوق وقد تغيرت سحنتها حتى لا تكاد تُعرَف .. تمرغت في الوحل وتشوهت وتكسرت وتغيرت أبعادها وفقدت انسجامها كلعبة بين أيدي الأطفال

They have this social justification for every nasty thing they do!

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