Good Quotes, Chapter 12

in #quotes6 years ago

The idea that Leftists are to blame for anything is absurd, seeing that the American Left was killed back in the late 1800's. The Left since that time has been a total creation of the financiers: a faux-Left propped up to give the Right something to appear to resist. -- Miles Mathis

US schools weren't eviscerated by leftists and progressive judges, they were eviscerated by CIA fake events, federal programs designed by fascists, conservative thinktanks, and—at bottom—by the financier class who wanted a subclass so ignorant it couldn't tie its shoes, much less revolt in any meaningful way. By financier class I don't mean middle-class tradespeople, I mean the super-wealthy billionaires and trillionaires who got their wealth from trade. This includes the bankers as well as the owners of industry and other capitalists. These are the people that have been in control of all US institutions since before the Civil War. Since none of these people are or ever have been leftists, there is no chance US education has ever been determined by leftists. -- Miles Mathis

The US education system is broken, but it wasn't broken by feminists or progressive educators. Feminists and progressive educators have been just two tools in a much vaster project of societal ruination, and until we address that project and its authors, we will get nowhere on any given question of policy. The past two decades have given us clues galore about who those authors are and what they are really up to, and it is past time we stared the beast down. If we cannot look at him we can never hope to dodge his charge. -- Miles Mathis

The Shakespeare writing committee was doing pretty much the same thing the Hollywood and TV writing committees are doing now: turning your little mind into mush. These plays aren't boldly irrational by accident, any more than new scripts are boldly irrational by accident. They can't have you expecting plots or character actions to make sense, because if they did, you might expect life to make sense. If life made any sense, you might figure out how to take part in it in a sensible way, and they can't have that.
They want you so confused you cannot possibly respond to any of their projects, other than go along with them. For the most part, they want you non-functioning as an active member of the world. They prefer that you are just conscious enough to get up in the morning and go to work, but not conscious enough to question anything you are told during your day. To achieve that, all your entertainment is purposely confusing, chaotic, and illogical. Likewise, all your education—whether it is provided by teachers or by media— is also utterly uncentering and confounding. The history you are taught is false and senseless, and current events are manufactured to produce fear and imbalance. It is a miracle any of us can function at all.
And why is this done? Profit. You are more profitable to the masters as a confused beast of burden than as a intelligent being. If you weren't hoaxed and drugged into a permanent stupor, you might demand a real life and a fair share of the fruits of existence. And if you did that, the billionaires would be forced to drain their offshore accounts and gilded bunkers and airplane hangers and marble swimming palaces and so on. They need those things, you know, because without them they are nothing. They define themselves by gigantic useless objects, and by their ability to lie without consequence, and by their knack for squashing their fellow creatures. But the funny part is, you didn't have to fall for it. Most of us have been complicit in our own destruction, and many of us to a large degree. But the truth was always there, ready to be found. The good deed was always available, ready to be done. -- Miles Mathis

Sodomy and Usury are the infallible signs that your culture is terminally corrupt. -- E Michael Jones

"There were all these Catholic Quislings." -- E Michael Jones

"IT IS the simple truth that man does differ from the brutes in kind and not in degree; and the proof of it is here; that it sounds like a truism to say that the most primitive man drew a picture of a monkey and that it sounds like a joke to say that the most intelligent monkey drew a picture of a man. Something of division and disproportion has appeared; and it is unique. Art is the signature of man." ~G.K. Chesterton: "The Everlasting Man."

“The Rosary is the best therapy for these distraught, unhappy, fearful, and frustrated souls, precisely because it involves the simultaneous use of three powers: the physical, the vocal, and the spiritual, and in that order.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Praying the Rosary)

One hears too often that "Hallowe'en is a pagan holiday" -- an impossibility because "Hallowe'en," as said, means "All Hallows' Evening" which is as Catholic a holiday as one can get. Some say that the holiday actually stems from Samhain, a pagan Celtic celebration, or is Satanic, but this isn't true, either, any more than Christmas "stems from" the Druids' Yule, though popular customs that predated the Church (such as the use of holly to decorate) may be involved in our celebrations (it is rather amusing that October 31 is also "Reformation Day" in Protestant circles -- the day to recall Luther's having nailed his 95 Theses to Wittenberg's cathedral door -- but Protestants who reject "Hallowe'en" because pagans used to do things on October 31 don't object to commemorating that event on this day).

“The fewer sacrifices a man is required to make, the more loath he will be to make those few.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Three to Get Married)

“THEREFORE, heresy is so called from the Greek word meaning ‘choice,’ by which each chooses according to his own will what he pleases to teach or believe. But we are not permitted to believe whatever we choose, nor to choose whatever someone else has believed. We have the apostles of God as authorities, who did not themselves of their own will choose what they would believe, but faithfully transmitted to the nations the teaching received from Christ. So, even if an angel from heaven should preach otherwise, he shall be called anathema.” ~St. Isidore of Seville (c. 560 – 636): “Etymologies,” 8, 3.

"SPEAKING SERIOUSLY, of course, most human sacrifice tends to be inhuman, because it tends to be diabolist. The line is not always drawn at first, or drawn easily, between a somewhat dark and ruthless deity and an actual demon. But one thing at least we may learn from the real history of the world, and that is how to avoid a blunder made by more than half the histories in the world. Whatever else is true, it is not true that blood-rites belong entirely to prehistoric or even primitive peoples. The progressive historians, of a school no longer very obviously progressing, did their very best to hint and imply that complex civilization is a complete safeguard against unnatural creeds or cruel ceremonies. It is nothing of the kind. Some of the most civilized and highly organized cultures, like Carthage at its wealthiest, had human sacrifice at its worst. Culture, like science, is no protection against demons. And poor Robespierre was nearer the truth than the later progressives when he said that there was no protection for the commonwealth but Virtue and the Worship of God." ~G.K. Chesterton: "About Sacrifice."

“Even when the will is perverse – even when a creature is enthralled and captivated by one great sinful adhesion, which makes one’s days a flight from God toward lust or power – even then some few good and commendable acts contradict one’s general attitude. These isolated acts of virtue are like a clean handle on a dirty bucket; with them, God can lift a soul to His peace.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lift Up Your Heart)

"FROM time to time in human history, but especially in restless epochs like our own, a certain class of things appears. In the old world they were called heresies. In the modern world they are called fads. Sometimes they are for a time useful; sometimes they are wholly mischievous. But they always consist of undue concentration upon some one truth or half-truth. Thus it is true to insist upon God’s knowledge, but heretical to insist on it as Calvin did at the expense of his Love; thus it is true to desire a simple life, but heretical to desire it at the expense of good feeling and good manners. The heretic (who is also the fanatic) is not a man who loves truth too much; no man can love truth too much. The heretic is a man who loves his truth more than truth itself. He prefers the half-truth that he has found to the whole truth which humanity has found. He does not like to see his own precious little paradox merely bound up with twenty truisms into the bundle of the wisdom of the world." ~G.K. Chesterton: Excerpt from "On Reading."

All these rich Jewish nerds look and act like the pathetic phonies I used to run across in the art scene, before I ran screaming. Like art and physics, large parts of big business have been taken over by these cardboards cut-out geeks who register zero on the charisma scale, zero on the intelligence scale, and zero on the reality scale. They just aren't convincing in their roles. About all they seem capable of is getting their picture taken and reading from the Teleprompter, and most of them can't even do that convincingly. I don't know about you, but I am past believing in any of them. What it looks like to me is that they are just talentless rich kids who asked Daddy to set them up on camera. They want to be famous, but they can't actually do anything, so Daddy has to use them in some ongoing project. The CIA has lots of projects that need human fronts, and so these rich kids are chosen for the part. Compare these kids to George Bush, Jr., who—if the world worked on merit—would have been cleaning pools somewhere. Instead, they set him up as President. That tells you how much value they put on the role of President. They didn't even care that he royally screwed up every press conference and speech: it just didn't matter. We could say the same of Trump. The screw-ups work as misdirection, since the media can then talk about that instead of addressing more important issues. -- Miles Mathis

So I am not saying these guys like Bezos aren't rich. Of course they are. They are from the families, so they are very rich. But their wealth doesn't arise the way we are told. It probably isn't distributed the way we are told, either. In other words, I assume these guys are worth a few tens or hundreds of millions. They are set up in a big house and they have lots of vehicles. They have to, to maintain the fiction. But all the other billions are funneled elsewhere. If they exist anywhere but on paper, they exist in the coffers of the top families who actually run these largest companies. And I assume they are hidden. They may be Rockefellers or Rothschilds (or not), but they almost certainly aren't these dweebs like Musk and Bezos. The real governors seem to search the families for the geekiest cousin they can find and set him up as the poster boy. They see this as the perfect misdirection, for many reasons.
These rich gay Jewish momma's boys are chosen specifically for their looks, since that too is part of the project. It is no accident that all your role models in business are people like this. They want you to believe that people like this become billionaires, since that totally messes with your mind. While they are crushing your body with fluoride and GMOs and aspartame and cellphone radiation, they are crushing your mind with daily contradictions. Watching these squishy guys like Gates, Musk, and Bezos seem to take over the world of high-tech and finance must short-circuit all rationality. If you want to advance, you will naturally model yourself after those you see advancing. But if you model yourself after these guys, you will be guaranteed not to advance. Which is fine by them, because it means they won't have to compete with you. -- Miles Mathis

This is why they have destroyed art, literature, science and everything else. Those things really don't mean anything to them, except as potential commodities. I have never seen any real evidence they are Satanists, but I have seen lots of evidence with my own eyes that they are fatally shallow, unable to appreciate anything with depth. In my first field of art, they admit it. I have seen many top gallery owners admit in print they don't care anything about art, and heard many more admit it in person. They see art only as easy money. Likewise in physics, where we have seen top physicists admitting that physics means nothing to them. They are only interested in a shallow heuristics. If that. I suspect they too are only interested in money, or appearing on camera.
More broadly, it has always looked to me like the governors want you think they are Satanists, because as Satanists they would actually be far more interesting than they really are. But this is just a Halloween costume they like to dress up in, because it makes them look like they have a personality. They are so devoid of all imagination, they can't think of anything but to scare you. That is the extent of their creativity. -- Miles Mathis

Not only do these people have nothing interesting to say, they will allow nothing interesting to be said. -- Miles Mathis

Most adults no longer grow up. They are stuck at the level of comedy routines and sports. They are groomed by long custom to remain at this level. If you get beyond those categories, your audience is lost. They look at you a like time traveller from the 19th century. You might as well be wearing a powdered wig and buckles on your shoes. If you say anything interesting, they will ignore it as if it wasn't said. -- Miles Mathis

The whole appointment of Hitler by Hindenburg in 1933 should therefore look incredibly suspicious. Hitler was just 43 and had done nothing important. He had held no offices, had never been elected to anything, had quit the army as a lowly corporal, and hadn't even graduated from high school. He had zero qualifications for anything in government. He was not legally a citizen of Germany, since his citizenship had been faked the year before. And he was ineligible for any office due to his treason conviction. So basically, this is the stupidest story anyone has ever told another person.-- Miles Mathis

All of US Government is one big enabling act for the Industrialists and one big disabling act for you.-- Miles Mathis

This is why Mein Kampf is so clever, and why it worked so well. Like the Protocols, although fake it contains a lot of truth. It therefore fools a lot of people, not all of them Jew haters. As we have seen, the Industrialists were behind the Weimar Republic. Many of these Industrialists were Jewish. And these people did stab the German Army in the back, since the outcome of WW1 was predetermined. The Industrialists knew Germany would lose from the first shot in 1914. That was the script. The idea, as usual, was to empty all the national treasuries in many rich countries, steal all the productivity of the lower classes for several years, cull the populations a bit, test new weaponry, and bring the aristocracy down another notch. All this acted to further solidify and cloak the positions of the Industrialists. After this major theft and hoax, the citizenry was naturally suspicious. By 1918 many were whispering the truth: that Germany—like Russia—had just been raped by the Industrialists with the war as an excuse and smokescreen. Many were looking sideways at the bankers and the richest Jewish families. So these families realized the first thing they needed to do was a run a major misdirection campaign, to redirect everyone's gazes. Hitler's career was just the most visible part of this campaign over the next two decades. He was hired to tell the people what they already knew, but then to subtly turn their gaze to other things. After he had done that, the whole story could be flipped. Hitler would fall in the nastiest manner possible, making the average citizen think they were wrong about the Jews and other Industrialists.
And this is exactly what happened. Hitler was made to look far worse than any Jew or Industrialist, and after the war everyone was taught to look out for genocidal Nazis, not cloaked Industrialists. Beyond that, a constant stream of other manufactured bogeymen have been marched across the headlines in the Western Press, again to keep your eyes off the real bad guys. In the US it was Red Commies, then cult murderers like Manson, then serial killers, and now mass murderers. Anything to keep your eyes off the Industrialists that have been running all the real schemes all along.-- Miles Mathis

Nazism, like everything else, was manufactured from the ground up by Military Intelligence, at the behest of the billionaires. It was little more than another stupid script.-- Miles Mathis

Intelligence loves to hide behind the fake occult, and they make up these ridiculous stories like we see in Thule as a smokescreen. We have seen Aleister Crowley doing this, and Gerald Gardner, and the Process Church, and Anton Lavey, and many others. Again, it goes all the way back to the 16th century and before, as I showed in my paper on the Kabbalah. There we saw the occult acting as a smokescreen in many projects of the Jews against the Royals and the Vatican. We also saw it in my recent paper on the Salem Witch Trials, from the 17 th century, where the local merchants—many of them Jewish—ran a major project against the Puritans, running it under the cover of the occult. Therefore, as usual, you can dismiss the whole occult angle of the Thule Society, instead substituting “Intelligence” everywhere you read “Occult”.-- Miles Mathis

“By denying guilt they show that they are cowards; by denying any perfection outside themselves, they become snobs.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Peace of Soul)

"IT WOULD have been easy, in the Calvinistic seventeenth century, to fall into the bottomless pit of predestination. It is easy to be a madman: it is easy to be a heretic. It is always easy to let the age have its head; the difficult thing is to keep one's own. It is always easy to be a modernist; as it is easy to be a snob. To have fallen into any of those open traps of error and exaggeration which fashion after fashion and sect after sect set along the historic path of Christendom — that would indeed have been simple. To have fallen into any one of the fads from Gnosticism to Christian Science would indeed have been obvious and tame. But to have avoided them all has been one whirling adventure; and in my vision the heavenly chariot flies thundering through the ages, the dull heresies sprawling and prostrate, the wild truth reeling but erect." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Orthodoxy,"

To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure.

The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

Without Logos, all we are left with is violence. -- E Michael Jones

"Morals pertain to right living, to the things we do, in relation to God and His law, as opposed to right thinking, to what we believe, to dogma. Dogma directs our faith or belief, morals shape our lives. By faith we know God, by moral living we serve Him; and this double homage, of our mind and our works, is the worship we owe our Creator and Master and the necessary condition of our salvation. -- Rev. John H. Stapleton Explanation of Catholic Morals

Nazi is simply a shortening of the word Ashkenazi. -- Miles Mathis

The Rabbi tells us Germany is being wiped off the map by its low birthrate, and he exults in it. But that reminds us that to be wiped off the map in such a situation, the country in question has to allow unchecked immigration. I guess you are aware what is going on in Germany and other parts of Europe right now, and less so in the US. The borders have been opened, expressly to allow this influx. The European people can't understand why their leaders are allowing it, but the Rabbi just told them why. In previous papers, we have seen the top Jewish families warring with the Holy Roman Empire for centuries. In the 20th century, they won the last stages of that war. In the 21st century, we are seeing the mop-up. -- Miles Mathis

I have shown you much evidence in previous papers of the billionaires infiltrating and blowing workers' parties back to the early 1800s. That is what Marxism was about, and that is what American Socialism was about. Most times, they simply manufactured fake workers' parties as misdirection, and that is what we are seeing here again. NSDAP was built from the ground up by agents of the billionaires. -- Miles Mathis

Goebbels' 105-year-old secretary leads the interview with this: "The only thing you can say about Goebbels is that he was an outstanding actor."
They post a video of her, and that quote is used as the subtitle. Wow. I recommend you read that several times, and note the precise wording. She doesn't say that “one thing” you can say about him is that. She says “the only thing”.
She also says this, “He'd trip up the steps like a little Duke”. And, “He probably had a manicure every day”.
Later, speaking of his performance at Berlin's Sportpalast in 1943, she says, "No actor could have been any better at the transformation from a civilized, serious person into a ranting, rowdy man."
So she is sure to tell you twice in this short interview he is an actor.
She also confirms he had a limp. I think we will need to check the footage for that one: was it a limp or a sashay? -- Miles Mathis

Nazism was a cover for Zionism, which was about Jews going to Palestine. -- Miles Mathis

Director Hoover tells us Eichmann was born in the “German colony Sarona, which is now the seat of the Israel Government and called Hakiriya”. But the current story is that Eichmann was born in Solingen, Germany. Given that, it is worth searching on Sarona. Wiki tells us it is a German Templer colony founded in 1871, now a neighborhood of Tel Aviv. It was “a model for Jewish pioneers”. -- Miles Mathis

The primary goal of the project since the time of Fox has been the destruction of organized religion, particularly Catholicism. The method from the beginning has been to pull members out of established religions and then wean them off all religious principles. We have seen this method in many other splinter groups, not just the Quakers, and in every case it is part of a centralized project. As I have said, all of the old religions stand in the way of trade, and so they have been countered by the Industrialists with a slew of longrunning projects, many of them these manufactured sects. Those who are snared are misled with some high-sounding rhetoric, but all along they are schooled on an entirely new of thinking—a thinking that supports trade, Industrialization, humanism, materialism, and all the other desiderata of their masters. Notice that the Quakers call their meetings “programmed worship”. Given what we are discovering, that has a dual meaning, doesn't it? Like other fake sects, they are being programmed. -- Miles Mathis

That is what modern politics is generally designed for: creating needless disturbances that fail to help the aggrieved parties, only creating more aggrieved parties. Rather than solving problems, politics creates two problems where before there was only one. -- Miles Mathis

One of the main things Fox preached against was tithing. There would be no better way to destroy the Christian Church—whether Catholic or Protestant—than by preaching against its source of income. A Church with no source of income is immediately defunct. But Fox could not have intended that, could he?
Another main point of Fox's preaching was that rituals are useless and should be avoided. Again, that strikes at the heart of organized religion, which relies on ritual. What would the Catholic Church be without its rituals? This is what endears it to people, more than anything else. In the same way and for the same reason, Fox preached against cathedrals. Again, I see what he is doing, since about the only thing that ever drew me to Catholicism was its cathedrals, rituals, and art. In other words, it was the beauty of the thing that had worth to my artist's eyes. In rooting all art out of religion, Fox was destroying it in the eyes of those like me. But Fox could not have intended that, could he?
Like other Protestants, Fox also preached against priests. Unlike most Protestants, he also preached against any firm reading of scripture. Curious, since that would have the effect of destroying organized religion for a whole other set of people: those who needed rules and guidance. That set of people is far larger than the artistic set, and far more important to the Church. But Fox could not have intended that, could he?
Another main point of Fox's preaching was his antipathy to baptism by water, even the little water from a basin. This being probably the central ritual of Christianity, it is hard to deny that Fox was attempting to destroy the roots of Christianity. Even Protestants baptize. Who doesn't baptize, besides Quakers? Jews, of course. -- Miles Mathis

The voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to our Lord: “I can destroy your Church.”
The gentle voice of our Lord: “You can? Then go ahead and do so.”
Satan: “To do so, I need more time and more power.”
Our Lord: “How much time? How much power?"
Satan: “75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.”
Our Lord: “You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will.”

“Every heresy in the history of the Church has been either a truth exaggerated to an excess, or diminished to a defect.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Moods and Truths)

  1. From the time of Abraham to the time of Christ, the Jews were the Chosen People of God. It was to them that He revealed the prophecy of the Messiah. To be a Jew was to be a descendant of Abraham, with the few converts being the exception that proved the rule.
  2. When Christ came He established a new precedent for membership in the House of Israel: acceptance of Him as the Messiah. He made it clear that to reject him was to reject Moses, so that any Jew who did reject Him would be rejecting his entire heritage.
  3. The Jews who accepted Christ became the Catholic Church, which due to its universal nature, added Gentiles to its ranks.
  4. The Jews who rejected Him (and consequently rejected Moses, Abraham, David, etc.) became the Jews. This is the definition of Jew: an ethnic Jew who rejects Christ. This is why Alan Dershowitz can claim that Freud, who thought Moses was an Egyptian priest and the historic origins of Judaism (the Old Testament kind), counts as a Jew, while St. Edith Stein/Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, who worships in heaven the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, was not a Jew.
  5. Because Christ is Logos, anything that is defined in opposition to Christ will of necessity be anti-Logos.
  6. Thus Judaism is anti-Logos.
  7. Not every Jew is anti-Logos. Some embrace it, to varying degrees. Those who embrace it fully join the Catholic Church. Nonetheless, just as pro-abortion Catholics does not change the fact that Catholicism is against abortion, pro-Logos Jews do not change the essential nature of Judaism.
  8. To be opposed to Logos is to be a revolutionary.
  9. Therefore until they accept Christ the Jews, to the extent that they identify with Judaism, will be revolutionaries.
  10. Anti-Semitism is the belief that Jews are cursed by DNA and incapable of being redeemed. It is totally and utterly condemned by the Church.

Marshall McLuhan: "[H]ad I not encountered Chesterton, I would have remained agnostic for many years at least."

The will is an inviolable shrine. Men may circumvent, attack, seduce and weaken it. But it cannot be forced. The power of man and devil cannot go so far. Even God respects it to that point. -- Rev. John H. Stapleton Explanation of Catholic Morals

Ever notice how footage from North Korea of the Presidents and Generals always looks like an MTV video? They have it all, including studio lighting, make-up artists, wind machines, and a soundtrack. Haven't you ever found that the least bit curious? -- Miles Mathis

We have also seen the very wealthy using their own kids in these big events many times. We saw it in the Manson event, where many of the top actors were either children of the very wealthy or children of Intelligence: Sharon Tate, Abigail Folger, Lynette Fromme, and many more. We saw it with John Hinckley, Jr. We saw it with Ted Bundy. The children of the super-wealthy like to go into art or music or acting, since those fields are seen as sexy—and are thought to require little real work—and so all three fields are now completely owned. These super-wealthy kids also like to be involved in spycraft, for the same reason. Ian Fleming made Intelligence almost as sexy as “The Arts”, and so the rich kids love to be involved in big psy-ops. It gives them something to talk about at parties besides the fake paintings, bad movies and shit songs they have created and forced upon the world. -- Miles Mathis

Vacaville has an entire fake wing, filled with fictional characters. This is where Manson was supposed to be for a long time, and we now know he was a fictional character. He was never there. Same for the Aryan Brotherhood, which we saw in my Tate/Manson paper is another figment. It is a pretend group, set up to scare you into submission. We saw that ADX Supermax in Colorado also has one of these fake wings, set up to house its fictional characters like Ted Kaczynski, Zacharias Moussaoui, Richard Reid, Umar Abdulmutallab, and so on. But it doesn't take much money to house them and feed them, since they aren't there. The wing exists only on paper. -- Miles Mathis

The Feds had discovered that in the anti-war movement of the early 1960's, there was a sign of a real alliance being made between white “leftist” progressives and the black community. So they infiltrated both communities and did everything they could to sour that nascent alliance. They are still doing it. The Catholic priest tag works the same way. Catholic priests were involved in the anti-war movement, as well as in many of the civil rights movements of the time. So the government needed to manufacture mistrust between all the parts of the progressive movement. This is not my theory; it is known. The operations of the time have been partially declassified, and it is known that CIA and FBI were both neck-deep in counter-intelligence against all these groups. See Operations CHAOS and COINTELPRO, for a start.
According to the story promoted by the mainstream press, the hippies and veterans were supposed to hate each other. Problem is, that was just another story. It had to be promoted because the truth was that returning veterans were as disenchanted with the war and the government as any of the hippies, and the two groups were threatening to ally, all the way back to the early 1960's. To prevent that, the media manufactured all sorts of opposition from both sides, hiring fake leftists (like Jane Fonda) and fake rightists to squabble and say nasty things about one another. It was all part of Operation CHAOS/ COINTELPRO: create factions. Divide and conquer. -- Miles Mathis

If you think Hollywood movies are accidentally full of big holes, because the scriptwriters are morons, you aren't thinking. They don't make sense on purpose. If you start expecting your movies to make sense, you may begin expecting your government to make sense, or your life to make sense, and they can't have that. -- Miles Mathis

As you see, the films are all used to cement ideas in your brain already planted there by the fake news organizations. The mainstream media sows the first round of lies, and Hollywood waters them in with a second round. -- Miles Mathis

Then they tell us the distribution of that food in San Francisco “descended into chaos.” Of course it did. That was part of the plot—an important part. To start with, Papa Hearst didn't want to lose $2 million to a bunch of beggars, so he no doubt had to be sure to steal the food back before it hit anyone's lips. But the whole point of this subplot was to show people that direct charity doesn't work. Feeding people doesn't work, because they will always riot. Better to put them in private jails first: that way they get fed but they can't cause any trouble. You may think I am joking, but I'm not. This is exactly what these “philanthropic” rich families have done. Using their pawns in the government, they shut down free distribution of food by churches or other nice people, in the name of sanitation or something, then pass more ridiculous laws by which poor people can be thrown into jail for almost nothing— private jails invested in by the same rich people. This has happened and continues to happen, and it isn't a joke. -- Miles Mathis

NASA = National Academy of Staged Aeronautics

Humility is not a want of moral force; rather humility is a recognition of the truth about ourselves. -- Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“If we knew what a terrible thing sin was and went on sinning; if we knew how much love there was in the Incarnation and still refused to nourish ourselves with the Bread of Life; if we knew how much sacrificial love there was in the Sacrifice of the Cross and still refused to fill the chalice of our heart with that love; if we knew how much mercy there was in the Sacrament of Penance, and still refused to bend a humble knee to a hand that had the power to loose both in heaven and on earth; if we knew how much life there was in the Eucharist and still refused to take of the Bread which makes life everlasting and still refused to drink of that Wine that produces and enriches virgins; if we knew all the truth there is in the Church as the mystical body of Christ and still turned our backs to it like other Pilates; if we knew all these things and still stayed away from Christ and His Church, we should be lost! It is not wisdom that saves; it is ignorance! It is only our ignorance of how good God is that excuses us for not being saints!” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Seven Last Words)

“Pleasure is of the body; joy is of the mind and heart. Lobster Newberg gives pleasure to certain people, but not even the most avid lobster fans would ever say that it made them joyful. You can quickly become tired of pleasures, but you can never tire of joys.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (You)

Propaganda only works if it is fresh. From any distance, it all falls apart. The propagandist relies on his audience strongly taking a side and being ignorant of larger issues. -- Miles Mathis

You are still sold the ridiculous idea of a “liberal” press, but that is upside down like everything else. Since the press is controlled from above, it isn't liberal, it is fascist. The press is liberal on some issues now, like gay rights, say, but that is only because the fascists have taken that position, for their own reasons. To use that example, gay rights aren't being promoted because the fascists are liberal. Gay rights are being promoted because the fascists are doing everything they can to control populations -- Miles Mathis

Scientific Method: In the absence of evidence, you make no assumption. But once you have a large pile of evidence, you then make a limited assumption based on that evidence and continue on. If you had to withhold judgment until all evidence was in, you would never decide anything even temporarily. All evidence won't be in until the end of time. -- Miles Mathis

“Of all the CIA's expenditures, the Congress for Cultural Freedom seemed its most worthwhile and successful.” Frances Stonor Saunders

It must be tiring for fascists to pretend they are leftists or radicals for any length of time. Only someone as dispassionate as Chomsky can hold the pose for decades.
Historically, syndicalism was a precursor to fascism. Sorel's revolutionary syndicalism joined in 1909 to the integral nationalism of Action Francaise, creating national syndicalism. Mussolini adopted national syndicalism in Italy and renamed it fascism. I suppose Chomsky is assuming you don't know that.
Although national syndicalism and fascism are the same thing, as sold at places like Wikipedia they look very different. . . on paper. Fascism is sold as conservative, violent, and totalitarian, while syndicalism is sold as Marxist. I will be told that Chomsky's anarcho-syndicalism is not nationalist. It is simply co-operative. But that isn't the question. Yes, some forms of Marxism look great on paper, especially when they lead with co-operation. But the question you should ask is this: “why doesn't Chomsky just defend Republicanism, Democracy, the Constitution, and so on: the form of government that worked fairly well until the CIA undermined it? Why is he promoting this weird anarchosyndicalism that has never been tried anywhere, and that looks awfully close to several forms of Marxism/fascism that have already failed miserably? I will tell you why: Chomsky is promoting misdirection. He was hired to do it and he has done it very well. Job one has been destroying the Constitutional Republic we had, and since Marxism failed to do that in the US in the first half of the 20th century, they switched to other gambits, including this anarcho-syndicalism gambit which they chose to promote to naïve leftists—especially the young ones. -- Miles Mathis

The CIA is quite happy for you not to vote, as are their controllers. The Rockefellers would be glad if voting died out altogether. That is why they inserted the voting machines, which have already pretty much killed the efficacy of voting.
They have been hired to convince most of those who are unhappy about the current situation to do even less than they are currently doing about it. Before, most US citizens were doing nothing but voting. Now they are being encouraged to give that up, too. -- Miles Mathis

For this reason, even having a term “ephebophile” and including it in pedophile statistics is misdirection. It makes you think there is something odd about being attracted sexually to a beautiful 19 year old. There is nothing odd about it. It would be odd if you weren't. Which is not to say you should be chasing 19 year olds. It is just to say that there is nothing odd in thinking they are sexually attractive. Again, that is just the way biology works. -- Miles Mathis

"IF we ever get the English back on to the English land they will become again a religious people, if all goes well, a superstitious people. The absence from modern life of both the higher and lower forms of faith is largely due to a divorce from nature and the trees and clouds. If we have no more turnip ghosts it is chiefly from the lack of turnips." ~G.K. Chesterton: 'Heretics,' VI.

"The Saint is a medicine because he is an antidote. Indeed that is why the saint is often a martyr; he is mistaken for a poison because he is an antidote. He will generally be found restoring the world to sanity by exaggerating whatever the world neglects, which is by no means always the same element in every age. Yet each generation seeks its saint by instinct; and he is not what the people want, but rather what the people need." ~G.K. Chesterton: 'St. Thomas Aquinas,' Chap. I

"WE HAVE all met the man who says that some odd things have happened to him, but that he does not really believe that they were supernatural. My own position is the opposite of this. I believe in the supernatural as a matter of intellect and reason, not as a matter of personal experience. I do not see ghosts; I only see their inherent probability." ~G.K. Chesterton

“What saint has ever won his crown without first contending for it?” —St. Jerome: ‘Letters,’ 22, 39.

“And if among all the saints some are more saintly than others, it is only because God dwells in them more abundantly.” —St. Augustine: ‘Letters 187

Having taught in six Protestant seminaries, having over the years, I’ve taught many courses in Protestant theology, the two principle errors for us Catholics of Protestantism are the very ones that I’ve told you are the main reason for people leaving the Catholic Church. Historically they left the Catholic Church because of the Church’s uncompromising position on the indissolubility of sacramental, consummated Christian marriage. And the second reason Luther having left the Catholic Church, that’s by the way why we have Halloween, there would be no Halloween except for Protestantism, to make a mockery of Catholic faith in all the saints. Oh how totally brainwashed many Catholics have become. -- Fr Hardon

the Catholic Church will survive, as I keep saying, only where there are people still left who believe that Christian consummated marriage is indissoluble and that Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, Who is the Son of God, is on earth in flesh and physically present in the Eucharist. And what’s happening to so many church edifices is a reflection of the weakening and the loss of that faith. -- Fr Hardon

First then, Protestantism. The combination of words “Protestant Reformation” is found in all English written books, it is however not a Catholic idea. In fact, it is contrary to authentic history. There was no Protestant Reformation. There was a Protestant revolution. And there was, thank God, a Catholic Reformation. And among the lights of the Catholic Reformation, surely one of the outstanding, except for whom I wouldn’t be here, was St. Ignatius.
In other words, the Protestant revolution began and the date every self respecting Catholic should know when Martin Luther nailed those ninety-five thesis to the church door of the Castle of Wittenberg, October the thirty-first, 1517. And that really is the birthday of Protestantism. So the origins of Protestantism go back to the day that Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five thesis to the church door of the chapel at the castle of Wittenberg in Germany.
His ninety-five thesis had become to be called a ninety-five statements some merely challenging Catholic teaching, others openly denying even revealed Catholic Truth.
It then began, I repeat, on the evening before the Feast of All Saints, and Halloween has become a clown’s day, an object of, well, of something to be laughed at because Martin Luther broke with the Catholic Church on that first Halloween of Protestantism. I repeat thirty-first of October 1517.
From the very beginning, those who followed Martin Luther, and other leaders, as we’ll see, they called themselves Protestants, and the reason they called themselves Protestants because they protested. They protested against the attempt to reunify the then Roman Empire which had been, for generations, united by having one faith. Those then who protested against acceptance of a single faith in the Roman Empire became, well, those who protest. That’s what the word Protestant means – Protestors. And they’ve never been embarrassed by the name ever since. They have remained protestors. Given that definition of Protestantism, we’ve got many more Protestants than we find in the books of the Protestant denominations. -- Fr Hardon

What are the essentials of Protestantism? It is enough to know what some of those essentials are, because in over four hundred years, going on five hundred years, they have remained I would say, quite constant; in other words, those basic premises of Protestantism have not basically changed. And in Latin that’s why they got started first sola scriptura: Scripture alone. How do we know God’s mind and will from Scripture alone? Sola scriptura, by Scripture alone. Only the written revealed word of God is necessary, not just for salvation, but to know everything that God wants us to both believe, and to do. It is all contained in the Bible. Historically, that position could not have been assumed until the discovery of print. And the first printed book, as I am sure we all know, was the – Bible. Well, Luther and his followers identified all of God’s revelation with that written book. Over the years, I’ve been telling people, the more bizarre, the more incredible, the stranger an idea is – talk about human nature – the more believers you are liable to get. Imagine claiming the law of God, revealed Truth, is in a written book, when until less than a century before the rise of Protestantism, there were no books in existence. There were manuscripts, but no books. -- Fr Hardon

We have seen again and again that the industrialists like to create their own opposition, so that they can control the argument. That way none of the really big truths get out. -- Miles Mathis

You see how the Jewish question is being used to keep your eyes off the greater question of pandemic corruption in all fields. Since everyone admits Jews are a tiny minority, there is no way they could achieve this corruption without the collusion of everyone else. A virtuous majority cannot possibly be corrupted by a tiny minority. Even supposing they have projects to corrupt you: if they succeed in corrupting you, you cannot afterwards maintain you are or were ever virtuous. You are either just as bad as they are, or you are a slug. For instance, if we wished to clean up the art markets, would we need to limit Jewish access to it? No. All we would have to do is return it to its original sensible definitions and internal laws. Instead of deregulating it (as we have done with everything else that has become corrupt), we would re-regulate it, insisting that artists actually create art. Of course this regulation would drive off a lot of the speculation and other corruption, which would drive off most of the Jews and Gentiles involved in the field now. But it would be cleansed by sensible laws and expectations, not by discrimination. -- Miles Mathis

The Armory Show of 1913 was a production of Intelligence, a joint British-American project, which certainly benefitted the Jewish financiers—but not only the Jewish financiers. -- Miles Mathis

Lindy was already a 32nd degree Mason in his early 20s, which is rare. I have said that Intelligence is hiding behind Satanism, so my take on this is that Lindy was recruited at a very young age into Intelligence. His entire career looks like an unsubtle psy-op. It is part of the manufacturing of history. -- Miles Mathis

Why the big production? Because these are theater people. They don't do things that way. With them, everything is a big production. While normal people would be put off by constant media attention and manufactured court cases, these people thrive on them. As we have seen in hundreds of other stories, if they weren't faking this they would have to be faking something else. It is what they do.
It could be put on the front page instead of more important stories that should have been there. So the story didn't just accidentally spin out into many years of adventures. It was designed to. -- Miles Mathis

I am not recommending you read the gossip rags, but not everything they print is false. Most of it is spun, but some of it contains a lot more truth than the mainstream papers. This is yet another purposeful ploy of the controllers, who only tell you truth when they know you will dismiss it as a lie. It is the “boy who cried wolf” scheme turned upside-down. They lie to you over and over on purpose in those scandal mags, then bury some truths in there as well. Intelligent people will then throw out the truths with the lies, like the baby with the bathwater. I call it “blackwashing.” Surround any truth with a thousand lies, and most people will not be able to sort one from the other. -- Miles Mathis

No, in the theater they didn't immediately vulgarize all productions into proletarian garbage—although they got around to it eventually. They saved that immediate vulgarization for visual art. In the theater and music, they moved more slowly and surreptitiously, for reasons we may look at later. In all three, they initially created parallel fields, classic and modern, and then phased out the classic. In art they did this very quickly, I assume because they found less resistance. In theater and music, the old patrons were more entrenched and more numerous, I suppose, both fields being popular arts rather than exclusive arts. Meaning, more people could afford to pay $20 to go to the theater or concert than could afford to pay $2000 for a painting or sculpture. -- Miles Mathis

Hollywood has long been like a vast wing of Intelligence. In fact, it has been a wing of Intelligence since the very beginning. That is why they chose the name Hollywood. Do you think that was just an accident? No. Holly is a magic bough and has been used in the occult since at least the time of the Druids. But more to the point in this case is that Hollywood in California was named for Hollywood, Illinois, which was owned early on by. . . wait for it. . . John D. Rockefeller. Yes, the name came from one of Rockefeller's ranches in the 1870's. Do you think Rockefeller didn't know holly was a magic bough? He was too interested in business to fool with stuff like that? Wrong. Rockefeller was into Theosophy from the beginning, and he helped bring Vivekananda from India in 1893. Rockefeller had his hand in everything. -- Miles Mathis

Cats are a thing for over-40 women who once liked men. Why? Because cats are a smaller, cuter, tidier version of a man. Just think about it: a man is a furry, lazy beast who sleeps as much as possible. He generally detests and avoids all other creatures, except those whom he can use and/or torture. He looks down his nose at any and all work, is not open to suggestion, pretends he doesn't hear you, and hates to bathe. Sound familiar?
They don't love cats despite the fact that cats sleep all the time, they love cats because they sleep all the time. They like cats better than men because cats sleep more than men. The reason they prefer this, without knowing it, is that more sleep means the cat is out from under foot more than the man. And this is good because the cat is therefore more an idea than the man. The cat is a sort of hypothetical beast, a thing one loves most when he isn't around. The woman likes to think of the cat, likes to play with her idea of the cat, and likes most to cuddle with the image of the cat in her head. It is easist to do this when the cat is asleep in the other room.
Of course we can apply all this to the man as well. It has long been known that a woman much prefers her idea of a man to any man. So the best thing any real man can do is be asleep in the next room. From that distance, he is sure to be adored to the greatest extent he can be.
Women complain that men are silent, that they don't share their feelings, and so on and on. But we see from above that men should study the relationship of the woman and the cat, and that if they do they will become even quieter. For it isn't men's silence that is the problem, it is what they say when they quit being silent. They problem isn't silence, it is that they don't agree with the woman. Does the cat's silence vex the woman? No. Why not? Because the woman is sure that the cat is silently agreeing with everything she says. The man can achieve this same sort of symbiosis only if he remembers to nod or purr at the right times, otherwise the woman gets suspicious.
People love cats and other pets because they are silent. They have no opinions. They never disagree. They are little ego-stroking ideas, with soft fur and graceful outlines, and they seem completely satisfied with their limited roles. They hardly ever get bored, they never make you watch their movies or listen to their music, and they don't demand sex. You can see why, for a certain type of woman, they would be better than chocolate. -- Miles Mathis

If you agree with the status-quo, there is no need to publish an opposing opinion; but if you disagree, you need to provide your own refutation. -- Miles Mathis

Happy people are shabby consumers. -- Miles Mathis

We only have the right to our labors, not to the fruits of our labors. --Lao-Tze

The Jews and Gentiles that would run the 20th century were masters of trade. They were money lenders and money changers and money makers. These families had always been very good at making money, but in the 20th century they discovered a way to accelerate this money making beyond even their own dreams. They discovered that accelerated trade depended directly on accelerated change. The more change of any kind they could introduce into society, the more money they would make. This is simply because change can always be accompanied with new products. New products = new wealth. More products = more wealth. Therefore, the fundamental and underlying Operation of the 20th century has been CHANGE.
This was revolutionary in every way, since humans don't really like change. Like cats and all other animals, they prefer things to stay as they are. Living creatures tend to equate change with discomfort. So to promote change was to go against human nature. It wasn't something that would happen on its own. It had to be manufactured and constantly sold.
It was revolutionary in another way, since it went against all tradition. Tradition had always taught that change was something to be avoided. All the major religions sought balance and harmony, neither of which could be maintained in times of rapid change. It was revolutionary in a third way, since traditionally trade had been considered dirty. Thoreau was still teaching in the 1840's that “trade curses everything it touches.” Gentlemen in the early 19th century looked down on trade, as we see from reading Dickens or Austen, or watching Downton Abbey. The English aristocracy mocked American wealth, since it came from trade. So you would think it would be difficult to flip the world 180 degrees, taking us to the present where most believe that trade sanctifies everything it touches.
Well, it was difficult. It required hiring millions of people and spending vast amounts of capital over more than a century. But the investment paid off, as we see. Accelerated change has made the billionaires into trillionaires. They are now so rich they have to hide their wealth. The wealthiest families won't even allow their names to appear on the Forbes lists, the totals are so obscene. For instance, the Rockefellers are hundreds of times as wealthy as Bill Gates, but we are told they only have a few billion. The truth is, the Rockefellers had made their first trillion by 1930 (in today's dollars). We are told they gave most of it away and are now worth less than then. Don't believe it. -- Miles Mathis

"Moss grows fat on a rolling stone, but that's not how it used to be" -- Don McLean

By 1969, the infiltration and co-option of the hippie and anti-war movements was over. That battle had been decisively won by the government. The Manson event finished off the hippies and permanently crippled the anti-war movement, so Dylan was no longer needed to misdirect them. His team abandoned him and moved on to other projects. Younger acts were more useful in terms of “change of any kind.”
Remember, the Beatles were abandoned at the same time. We are told they broke up, but that wasn't the case. After the Manson event in 1969, the Beatles weren't needed any longer. They didn't break up, they were dismissed. The break-up stories were just planted as cover. The Operation was complete, and the Intelligence communities didn't wish to re-invent the Beatles a third time. Since the hippie movement had been destroyed on purpose, the Beatles as eastern mystics thing was now passé. To continue on with the Beatles as part of Operation Rolling Stone, Intelligence would have had to remold all four guys into punks or something, and that was not considered feasible. -- Miles Mathis

"He’s a plagiarist, and his name and voice are fake. Everything about Bob is a deception. We are like night and day, he and I" --Joni Mitchell on Bob Dylan

Yes, the investment groups that run the world now have a product for every problem they have created: all you have to do heed their advice. And the beauty of it is, they make money causing your problems, exacerbating your problems, and mitigating your problems. Since you buy this music, you are paying them to plant the seeds of your future dissatisfaction. You then buy the magazines and TV programs and self-help books that water these problems in, making sure they take deep root. Once you have dislodged your sanity in the prescribed way, you are then ready to pay them for the pharmaceuticals, the beauty products, the alcohol, the illegal drugs, the junk food, the homeopathic cures, the gym memberships, the psychiatric care, the AA manuals, the rogaine treatments, the advanced sextoys, the tattoos and piercings, the hospital visits, and —last but not least—the extended sanatorium stays. -- Miles Mathis

Happy people don't spend much money, but miserable people spend inordinate amount of money on things they don't need. It was discovered many decades ago that miserable people are fantastic consumers, and that happy people are lousy consumers. So do you think they want you in a happy relationship? No. They want you doing everything wrong, and they will give you the bad advice to ensure you do everything wrong. -- Miles Mathis

People like me are now called “haters.” According to this theory, people like me don't critique things because we see real problems with them, we complain just to be contrary. We don't detest things because they are detestable, we detest things because they are wonderful. We can't stand to see wonderful things, apparently, because we are haters. -- Miles Mathis

Hunger Games: Collins' dad was career military and she lives in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. But even without those markers on Collins, the books themselves are full of red flags. It would take another paper to list even a part of them, but the primary red flag is the towering absurdity of girls competing equally against boys in savage games to the death like this. I understand the need to put girls in heroine positions in the arts, but The Hunger Games simply inverts all reality to do it, giving young women false and frankly dangerous ideas about who they are. And again, this is done on purpose. Suzanne Collins is not accidentally giving young women bad advice concerning who they are or should be; I assume she is doing it on purpose. If young girls develop unrealistic ideas about themselves and their fellow women, they are more likely to fail at relationships, be miserable, and thereby spend huge amounts of money on things they don't need in order to compensate. This is how the investment groups who run the world want it. Your misery has been planned. -- Miles Mathis

The first order of business for anyone seeking the light side is to tell the truth. Refuse to be part of any lie or any scam. Don't use people or animals or the Earth as ladders of profit. Don't make them miserable to make a buck. It isn't complicated or hard to understand. It is common sense and is known by all. The dark spirits know the rule as well as you or me, and they can stop breaking it whenever they like. I encourage them to turn around.
You will say that is naïve. You will remind me of Plautus, who told us 2,000 years ago that homo homini lupus (est): man is a wolf to man. I will be told that people have always preyed upon other people, just as wolves prey on sheep. Recommending they stop doing it is like recommending that lions start eating grass. But I consider that to be a poetic generalization. That is to say, it is true in part but false as a whole. Those pushing it let the part stand for the whole, thereby skewing the argument. To see what I mean, remember that man isn't a wolf to man. Rather, some men are wolves to some men. But more often than not, people do not prey on one another. In a majority of cases, people are cooperative. Most people enjoy helping one another, and that is what many jobs are about. If they weren't, the world would stop working altogether. No, it is only a small minority of men who are wolves, and they tend to be the very wealthy.
We should try to be more precise, and more specific. It is the top 400 families in the US that are the wolves to the rest of us. They are the real people that comprise all these predatory investment groups and banks and consortia and think tanks and agencies. Taylor Swift's parents are part of this group, and –unless she wises up—so is she. But these families—being real people—are not just animals fulfilling some role in Nature they were born to fill. In that sense, they aren't like lions or wolves, who act on instinct and do the only thing they can do. These rich people are human beings just like the poor people, and it is just as easy for them to cooperate as it is for the poor people. It should be easier, since they have more to share. Unlike animals, everything they do is not a fait accompli; it is a choice.
So the whole “man is a wolf to man” thing is just one more poor excuse. It is the rich claiming they can't help themselves, since “it has always been like that” and “you would do it, too.” It is claiming predation is human nature, when it isn't. If it were human nature, all people would be chewing each other up every chance they got. They aren't. Yes, a few poor people also lie and steal, as we know. But again, a minority. And they aren't following “human nature” as they do it, they are following their own nature, which is—for the time being—dark. But both the rich and the poor can turn back any time they like: they can stop lying and stealing anytime they like. And they will be better off for it. -- Miles Mathis

Hate is a natural human emotion and it shouldn't be discouraged or squelched. It should be fine-tuned and savored. If something is detestable, you should detest it. You should study your hatred for it and try to understand it fully. You should express it as clearly as you can and share it. Because if you can't freely hate, you can't freely love. By definition, they are two opposite ends of a continuum, and you can't have one without the other. In fact, you hate because you love. If you don't hate anything, you probably don't really love anything, either. Normally, you hate those things that most threaten the things you love. I hate lies because I love truth. I hate ugliness because I love beauty. Because I love art, I hate those who have conspired to destroy it. Because I love nature, I hate those who have conspired to destroy it. Because I have loved (certain) women, I hate those who have conspired to make them crazy, unhappy, confused, or dissatisfied. I don't have children, but those who do have children hate those who threaten the future happiness of their children (as they should). It is the hatred that guarantees action, since that is what emotion means. E-motion. A cause of movement or action. Those who want to curb your emotions, especially hatred, are just trying to keep you from any meaningful action. Those who teach that hatred should be avoided are hoping to shame you into permanent inaction. -- Miles Mathis

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