Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #81 ENG/DEU

in #quotes6 years ago

We don't know the true value of our moments
until they take the memory test.
Georges Duhamel

Georges Duhamel was a French writer. He became best known with his ten-volume cycle of novels Chronik der Pasquiers, published between 1933 and 1945, as moralists rather than chroniclers of the era.
In some essays he also attacked his contemporaries' faith in progress and technology. He himself remained in a religious mood. After the "finger exercise" of a five-volume cycle of novels about the inconspicuous employee Salavin (who experiences the "adventures" announced in the title above all in spirit) the Pasquier novels were published in 1933. Although written with great "psychological mastery", Duhamel emphasizes in this cycle precisely that all of the family members described above Common: despite their different temperaments, they are permeated throughout by the "esprit de clan" (clan spirit). This is consistent with the moral perspective of the author.

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Wir kennen nicht den wahren Wert unserer Momente
bis sie sich dem Erinnerungstest unterziehen.
Georges Duhamel

Georges Duhamel war ein französischer Schriftsteller. Am bekanntesten wurde er mit seinem zwischen 1933 und 1945 veröffentlichten zehnbändigen Romanzyklus Chronik der Pasquiers,
der ihn eher als Moralisten denn als Chronisten der Epoche ausweist.
In einigen Abhandlungen griff er auch die Fortschritts- und Technikgläubigkeit seiner Zeitgenossen an. Er selbst blieb religiös gestimmt.
Nach der „Fingerübung“ eines fünfbändigen Romanzyklus' um den unscheinbaren Angestellten Salavin (der die im Titel angekündigten „Abenteuer“ vor allem im Geiste erlebt) erscheinen ab 1933 die Pasquier-Romane. Obwohl mit großer „psychologischer Meisterschaft“ geschrieben, betont Duhamel in diesem Zyklus gerade das allen geschilderten Familienangehörigen Gemeinsame: sie sind trotz ihrer unterschiedlichen Temperamente durchweg vom „esprit de Clan“ (Clangeist) durchdrungen. Das deckt sich mit dem moralischen Blickwinkel des Autors.


Thank you very much, my friend. 😊

Very beautiful Life Story.

Thank you very much. 😊

Thank you very much. 😊😊😊

Great Quote about Memories.

Thank you very much. ❤

Your great...and. awesome your all post.my friend

Thank you so much, my friend. 😊😊😊

Superb story with awesome photo.

Thank you very much. ❤

The quote is really nice.

We don't know the true value of our moments
until they take the memory test.

There are many things inside this small quote. One essay can be written based on the quote. Your elaboration and writing is always great. The picture is also nice. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much, @dindar. 😊

Wonderful quote dear friend.

Thank you very much, my friend. 💖

Your quotes are always amazing the format which you uses is what i like most.

Thank you for your kind comment. 😊

I love this quote its great you always brings us special quotes.

Thank you very much, @alizamanjutt454. 💖

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