
Being in the present is so important, it's something I really need to get back to!

I used to be proper into meditation, I even went to Zen classes for a year, making a 2 hour round trip up to London every Monday, sort of lost touch with the practice lately.

I spend way too much time thinking about the future these days. I've always been one for the future, rather than the past.

You make some great suggestions - nature and gardening especially!

Nice post.

Thank you so much!

Oh yes, meditation seems to be a big one as well. I never made it a proper practice for myself.
Seems like you really tapped into it, I hope you'll be able to get back into it easily. :)

I'm not sure I ever heard about Zen classes. Is there any other practice you do at the classes other than meditation or you do different "types" of meditation?

Zen is literally just sitting still and counting your breaths, and focussing on whatever comes up, good or bad.

Honestly, that's all you do - just sit there!

It's kind of pure and very beneficial.

We should live in present because we can not change our past and future we can change and make impect on only over present

Jako cool sto nas i ovde ima 😂

Hej, jeste! Nadam se još većem broju! :))

Takodje, samo sto ljudi jos nisu svesni sta je ovo.

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