Skid in Broadside!

in #quotes6 years ago

I start to panic if I don't contribute on here regularly. I'll be - Given the Boot,the old heaveo, awarded the DCM - Don't Come Monday - the Sack - just how many terms are there for saying 'You're not Wanted'?

So I ferreted around in the man drawer and I found this inspiring Meme.

Life should be Quote Meme Hunter Thompson.jpg

Well at my age it says a lot that I can relate to.


You're always welcome here! :)

I've seen this quote before. I like the sentiment; we should be doing things with our life. I also think some balance is in order. We can't be running full tilt all the time. Nothing wrong with some quiet meditation, study and comtemplation to recharge the mind and body for the next adventure!

Thank you Kenny. Yes,there is a time for flat out full throttle, but there has to be rest and relaxation too.When young, it can be 18 hours drive and zip with 6 for rest,and then that reverses with age until eventually it is the opposite, and possibly worse! Sorry this is late I forgot to press Post !

You are missed when you don't post for while. So keep on turning up in my feed ;-)

Thank you trevor for those kind comments. I've got a finger in too many pies.Juggling facebook, steemit and I've been making and putting a few things on Etsy. But it was ever thus.I always had difficulty in dividing time between the family, the business and leisure pursuits.
But better that than boredom.

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