Quit Drinking And Live A Healthier Life

in #quotes6 years ago (edited)


The intake of alcohol has become a huge social edifice in the world today, specifically the United States. Alcohol has become so normal in our society today to the extent that it's now used to serve our guests and visitors. Even young teenagers are now adopting this dilemma and everybody just seems to take it casual. It's not healthy!

Practically, drinking isn't that bad, it's only bad when we make it a habit and as such consume more. It's slowly eating up our immune system and also damaging our lungs. Take it from me; if you're involved with drinking alcohol on a daily basis, please stop! It kiss.

How much alcohol is good?

Of course, this question is entirely a wise one. And for this, i'll take us further on some definitions of how much we should drink and when it becomes a concern.

A recent study that was published in 2018 says it has found the magic number. After analyzing data of 600,000 people who drank between zero and 350 grams of alcohol per week they came to the conclusion that 100 grams per week was the magic number.

100 grams of alcohol equates 6 glasses of wine. Anyone that consumes this is at an undeniably risk of heart attack, seizure, stoke, apoplexy, fatal aortic aneurysm and heart failure.

At the time of this writing, no research has been made pertaining to the current number of alcohol intake. The best they could do is give a rough estimation on those who drinks too much.

For men the number is 5 or more drinks in one sitting or 15 drinks over the course of a week. For women that number is 4 drinks at one sitting or 8 over the course of one week.

If you follow this definition, approximately 29% of the world population are tagged as excessive drinkers but when defining alcoholism, 99% are no where to be found. This connotes that, regardless of how majority of the world consume a large amount of alcohol, they do not meet the clarity of an alcoholic. Interesting.

NOTE: When we first gulp in alcohol, it swiftly ignites the release of endorphins that are responsible for the sensation of pleasure. To an extent this is a feel good record. But it still does other bad and harmful things to us.

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