Today's Motivational Quote: Saturday February 10, 2018

Today's quote will help us understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom! 

The difference between wanting something and reaching out for it.

Image from Pixabay using

“Knowing is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing is Not Enough: we Must do!” 

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Yes only when we apply knowledge are we acting in wisdom

Only when we work towards our wish will it have any effect!

Thanks for stopping by. Now let's get busy succeeding!



Yes, if you know how to cook that is not enough, you have to act and cook by yourself to eat the food, so just thinking process will not take you anywhere, so thinking is important but action is necessary to manifest any goal in your life. Always remember that, you are the driver of your life, and your life will move as per your use of the steering means the wisdom of actions. At last i want to say that, come out of overthinking stage and take that initial step towards the happiness. Thanks for sharing this post with us. 🙂

Stay Blessed.

you make such good comments and this was very appropriate illustration!

"if you know how to cook that is not enough, you have to act and cook by yourself to eat the food"

Thank you so much for your appreciation. 🙂

Never stop fighting until you achieve your dream place - that is, the unique you.
Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, respect others and have perseverance to realise your goals.
Don't be afraid to fail, that will be just a small stone on your way to sucess!

"work hard, respect others and have perseverance"

This is excellent!

You can give a a person knowledge, but you can't make them apply.
Some people want to remain fools, because getting out of your comfort zone requires change...and if you don't want to get out of your comfort zone and change than don't expect to succeed!

"if you don't want to get out of your comfort zone and change than don't expect to succeed!"
Very good point!

The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge you have but to create the possibilities for people to invent and discover and create human beings who are capable of doing new things.

Yes knowledge is not enough. It need to be applied!

Its like in school or when you take a course in something, you study and end up passing the test and exams, but if you don't apply that knowledge, some time after you end up forgetting most things you happen quite a few times to me. We all say i wish i would have this or i wish i would do that but how many of us don't act and do something about that? Its harder than we think, isn't it? That's why we have to set daily goals and try to achieve them or it will only be a dream and never became reality.

I really like your school example. Excellent point!

A very wise words @goodvibrations, want something and to reach it is something that is very difficult for us to live. Because to be able to get all that, we must have a strong principle. We must work hard and never give up despite the many challenges we face. Because to succeed it takes a very big struggle. Thank you for sharing and hopefully you will be more successful to work.

"to succeed it takes a very big struggle."

If it's too easy it's not worth doing!

knowledge without action is the same as the lush trees without fruit.
the bottom line is wasted in vain, not to give the benefits to others.
Thanks @goodvibrations for best post today

"knowledge without action is the same as the lush trees without fruit."

I love your illustration!

Thanks @goodvibrations I really appreciate it

That's really are true, Knowledge are collection of facts and ideas of a certain individual, but knowing is not enough, that's why wisdom is applied to discern by choosing the right path by applying the knowledge that we have for us to grow more and for us to achieve our dreams in life

You have understood this subject well!

Thank you😊

That's true. In practice and experience is everything

You are so correct that we need to practice!

In applying a problem necessarily must have a science, without science we will ever find a deal that became a goal, that knowledge is very important in life so it doesn't get lost in the darkness of the world.
Hope alone is also not quite the same as dreaming, without doing the work, hope will not be achieved, due to the efforts of it's mandatory,

"without doing the work, hope will not be achieved, "


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