Today's Motivational Quote: Friday March 2, 2018

in #quoteoftheday7 years ago (edited)

Today's quote will help us to search for joy.

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“Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.”  

Joseph Campbell 

I know an old, frail woman who would have a lot to be miserable about.

Do you make it a practice to make a mental list of all of the good things in your life?

She’s joyful because every night she says a prayer and lists 10 things that are good in her life. Things that she’s happy and thankful for.

This woman burns away the pain and we can do it too!

Thanks for stopping by. Now let's get busy succeeding!



Sometimes we feel pain, but never let our joy disappear inside us

Joy was something different,it can be found deep inside our soul and heart which enlighthen our life. And being happy is an emotion or expression of what we feel.

And as you cited on the old woman expirienced was a good example. Inspite of miserable, bitterness and difficult situation in life, never forget to pray to God for His mercy and love. Never let a single moment of negativity ruin our whole being. Let joy burn every pain we feel❤️

Thanks for your comment and your support!

we should be able to do it. Nice quotes are very enlightening. Thanks @goodvibrations

We need to keep working at it!

I agree,,
doing the work is grounded with joy will bring success.
do something small if it is done with the load of the mind will be destroyed.

Thanks for your input!

you are worthy and capable, full of spirit and great spirit
thank you @goodvibrations

The elders are always right, they are wise in the ways of life. With a positive thought we lighten the burden of our sorrows.

such as mountain climbing, enjoy the process, beauty will pay all your tired.

Very good teaching, most of the time we do the opposite, we list the bad things at the end of the day, complaining and complaining. You have to put that into practice. The elderly always know, and are grateful every day.

Yes we do tend to do the opposite!

if others do it we can do it too for sure we just need to keep believing in our self and the rest will happen good :)

I have heard someone saying, it's your mind who play games with you.
It's like a monkey, Who never focus on the thing who really want to focus on,
Let it free, and play with little monkey, don't focus on the thing you really want to do, it'll force you to focus on that particular thing
If he is playing with you, you gotta play with it to..

If we have a calm and peaceful mind?
our heart will remain in peace and will heal all the pains.

Yes a calm and peaceful mind!

Real happiness?
if you ask me what is real happiness, i'll shout with even thinking that real happiness is in helping others, the people who are needy, poor people.
That happiness can't be matched with other happiness.
and The main thing it gives our heart a healing nerve.

You have written wise words!

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