Today's Motivational Quote: Saturday February 24, 2018

in #quoteoftheday6 years ago (edited)

Today's quote reminds us not to delay.

Image from Pixabay using

“Do not wait to become a master to begin; begin to become a master.”  

Avina Celeste

It is good to be knowledgeable but do we need to know everything in order to get started?

Since we’ll never know everything isn’t it better to get started and keep learning on the way?

If you’re on the Steem blockchain keep learning every day on your journey to becoming a master!

Thanks for stopping by. Now let's get busy succeeding!



The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and better that step be as early as possible ;) We learn along the way, i won't wait to know everything to start working towards my goal ;)

Joke of the day

What is the the Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom?
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

And that is true,great things start from simple ones. And we don't need to know a lot before starting.Better to start gaining expirienced while learning because this will serve us our guide and strength for succeeding our dreams

True, there is no need to be an master to start an journey to achieve something. For example, you want to eat something and you don't know how to cook and you don't have time to learn and cook, then you found some fruits on table and you took the action and made fruit salad, so here you don't need to be an master but you just have to believe yourelf and whatever resources you have try to produce results from it. And never wait for someone to help because you are master of yourself, remember one thing, if you start depending on someone to help you, in my opinion, you will get used to waiting for others to help and possibly you can become slave of this pattern, so better thing is go out and workout yours works according to your way if anything went wrong improve it and act once again but don't become clueless and don't become stagnant, because we are the opportunity makers and we are the opportunity takers, so you are great technology and resource itself, so work happy and live happy. Thanks for sharing. ☺

Stay Blessed.

Thanks for your nice example of cooking!

Welcome. 🙂

Beginning is hard to begin with but once done there you will only find the way to go ahead in life :)

Get started and momentum will kick in!

I think the best way is to get started and learn along the way, because if we take too long we might get demotivated or by the time we start there are already a lot of people that started before and we are too late. ;)

Yes get started!

Great quote. I've done both ways, and in my opinion, is always best to get started and learn along the way, even better if we have a teamate/friend/colleague that can learn with us at the same time :)

I like the team work idea!

Its always hard to begin, but once we start it becomes easier along the way. If we wait to long to start, eventually it might become to late and new projects that are easier might appear and our inicial project will never start.

Precisely. Through your efforts you ll learn and expertise. No one was born expert or pro.

Right @mindtrap, and begin with yourself, because no one begins and born master from the start 😀

Very true.
To become master you need dedication and patience.No one can become master in one day,you have to govern that quality through hard-work and never giving up funda.

Keep going day by day!

A year from now you may wish you had started today, so yes, better to start now and gain knowledge along the way :) About steem, i would love to program and make applications that bring great sucess :)

I like your idea of making applications!

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