Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #158 ENG/DEU

in #quote6 years ago

We cannot change the wind but set the sails differently.

Aristotle was a Greek scholar. He is one of the most influential naturalists and philosophers in history. He himself learned from Plato, but he developed numerous disciplines himself and influenced others significantly.
Aristotle, the son of a doctor, came to Athens at the age of seventeen, where he entered Plato's Academy in 367 BC. There he participated actively in teaching and research. After Plato's death, he left Athens again. Later he became a teacher of Alexander the Great, the heir to the throne of the kingdom of Macedonia.
His texts in the form of dialogue directed at the general public have been lost. His doctrinal writings have survived, most of which were intended for use in teaching only.
His subjects covered logic, science theory, rhetoric, natural sciences, metaphysics, poetry theory, ethics and political science.

pixabay and wikipedia

Wir können den Wind nicht ändern, aber die Segel anders setzen.

Aristoteles war ein griechischer Gelehrter. Er zählt zu den einflussreichsten Naturforschern und Philosophen der Geschichte. Er selbst lernte bei Platon, doch entwickelte er zahlreiche Disziplinen selbst und beeinflusste Andere maßgeblich.
Der Arztsohn Aristoteles kam mit siebzehn Jahren nach Athen, wo er 367 v. Chr. in Platons Akademie eintrat. Er beteiligte sich dort rege an Lehre und Forschung. Nach dem Tod Platons verließ er Athen wieder. Später wurde er ein Lehrer Alexanders des Großen, dem Thronfolger des Königreichs Makedonien.
Seine an eine breite Öffentlichkeit gerichteten Texte in Dialogform sind verloren. Erhalten geblieben sind seine Lehrschriften, welche größtenteils nur für den Gebrauch im Unterricht bestimmt waren.
Seine Themenbereiche erstreckten sich auf Logik, Wissenschaftstheorie, Rhetorik, Naturlehren, Metaphysik, Dichtungstheorie, Ethik und Staatslehre.


Great quote as always @positivertag

Thank you very much, @fherdz

The story of each post is very good to me...my dear

Thank you very much. 💖 Stay positive, my friend.

Great post i like it friend

Thank you very much, my friend. 💙

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Danke schön. 😊

Great and amazing article my dear @positivertag! 💙💜💙 you are such a great blogger and philosopher.

Love, light and peace 💖 🌟

Thank you so much, @stardivine. Be blessed.

Great quote from aristotle.

Thank you very much, @aaeesha

I wish philosophers would play a more important role today! Very good introduction to him. love your article, you have awesome style for write short biography. love your post always. ❤

Thank you for reading my stuff, @ykdesign. 💖
I hope, you have a great day.

Very good quote. Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher. I read a lot about him from Wikipedia.

Yes, I think he's laid a great foundation for philosophy. Thanks for your comment, buddy.

Good quote. I liked it. I learned a lot about reading this post about Aristotle.

Thank you, mate. Have a good day.

Great..Quote. Good information about Mr. Aristotle. I liked it.

Thank you very much, mate.
Have a good day.

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