Quote of the Day

in #quote7 years ago (edited)

"That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price on its goods."

-Thomas Paine-


Great quote

Thanks for stopping by

nice words :)


Excellent post thanks for sharing this quote :)

Thanks for the support

True word's to live by couldn't have said it better : )thanks for sharing

Thanks for stopping by.

Excellent words those are it brightens my day :)

I'm glad to help

O could we always live and love, And always be sincere, I would not wish for heaven above, My heaven would be here.

-Thomas Paine-

nice post, Thomas Paine Quote is amazing!!

Glad you enjoyed

Very nice words sir. And Very true.


heaven knows it for sure :)
Very nice post dear @pbgreenpoint

Thanks for the kind words.

nice quote. Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks glad you enjoyed.

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