5-Star Inspirational Quote By Warren Buffet

in #quote7 years ago (edited)


"If You Don't Find A Way To Make Money While You Sleep.Then You Will Have To Work Until You Die".- Warren Buffet

How true these words are? Buffet had earlier advised that one should not depend on one source of income, rather he said plans should be made to create a second income source. Today he underscores the importance of having to find a way to make money even while asleep. What Buffet is taking about here is the need to have a passive income. The type that keeps rolling in cash even when you are not actively at work. Most of us who have a couple of websites that makes money 24/7 are already familiar with passive income models.
See the quadrant below to better appreciate the various income models that exists and where you belong. If you are more on the active side, you can create a plan to lunch yourself into the passive side of the quadrant.


The principle highlighted in the quote above carries a carrot and a stick. It gives carriot or financial freedom to those who endeavoured to create for themselves a passive source of income. On the other hand, it flocks those who refuses to do so with a stick of a lifetime work until the day death comes knocking.


follow @kevaton


It sounds like it would inspire someone to take a leap out a window. It is a depressing quote and not really true. Many people live in countries with retirement funds so they don't have to work until they die.

Thanks, but many have experienced that such retirement funds are grossly inadequate

Funny but true. Another wise man once said

An average millionaire has 7 streams of income

This is adept in finance. Thank You Sir!

hy kavaton keep posting and best of luck
upvote me also thanks

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