
Wow! How appropriate a quote in the dark days of fake news and political and Orwellian doublespeak. The longer that I live the more I wonder if the Founding Fathers were some type of time travelers. Or, they simply had the dastardly and predictable doings of a long line of previous tyrants to draw from. Either way, it is genius, plain and simple.

I agree completely! Time and time again, their prescience is remarkable.

I look forward to more of your quotes. Are you a constitutional scholar?

Thank you! The plan is to have at least 1-2 daily. Most days I could do more, but I'd like to save some so as not to repeat next year.

I am not. I'm just a nerd who "collects" Founding Father quotes as a hobby. I identify closely with this one - "But I stand on the general principles of freedom, whereon I dare to meet any one." - George Mason, June 14, 1788.

I tend to favor quotes by Jefferson, largely because I was able to find several about gardening, farming, and food. I am curious - have you ever discovered any directly related to hunting or fishing?

I don't really have any to speak of, I think mostly due to a combination of the fact that neither are particular interests of mine, and that the ones I've seen were largely too mundane to be of much interest. Here's what I've got:

"I again repeat, how great Care shoud be observed in choosing active Marksmen; the manifest Inferiority of inactive Persons, unused to Arms, in this Kind of Service (tho. equal in Numbers) to lively Persons, who have practised hunting, is inconceivable; the Chance against them is more than two to one." - George Washington, April 16, 1756.

"We proceeded up the River with the Canoe about 4 Miles more, & then incampd & went a Hunting; killd 5 Buffaloes & wounded some others—three deer &ca." - George Washington, November 2, 1770.

"This difference is ascribed to our superiority in taking aim when we fire; every soldier in our army having been intimate with his gun from his infancy." - Thomas Jefferson, June 8, 1778.

"I send by the stage, to be lodged for you at Orange C. H. a box containing a pair of Turkish pistols. They were originally with wheel-locks, which not being convenient, I had locks of the modern form substituted, but so that they can be changed for the former in a moment. They are 20. inch barrels so well made that I never missed a squirrel 30. yards with them. I fixed one in a wooden holster to hang in the loop of the pommel of my saddle to be handily taken out & in, having used it daily while I had a horse who would stand fire. " - Thomas Jefferson, August 15, 1816.

Actually, they are just the kind of thing that I have been looking for, and Jefferson and Washington to boot. Fantastic, and thank you so much.

No problem! Let me know if you ever have any more requests! These are all from my category on anything gun-related.

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