Mini Quiz Winners Announcement

in #quiz6 years ago

Hi all,

A week ago, I organized a Mini Quiz which was an initiative of @leeuw, sponsor of 12 quizes (mini quizes as @leeuw calls it)

My Mini Quiz post can be accessed here


The reward for this giveaway was arrange as follows;

  1. The first to vote on the correct/accepted answer is the winner and he/she will receive 0.5Steem and 1SBI share.

  2. The second and third persons to vote on the correct answer/accepted will each receive 1SBI shares.

  3. The fourth and fifth persons to vote on the correct answer/accepted will each receive 1 rare Steemmonster card.

Everyone that participated in the giveaway surely benefited from the 1.5 Steem bounty placed on the post.

Quiz Question

G = H ÷ 2 - - - 1

J = K ÷ 5 - - - 2

K = 10L - - - 3

H = J + 120 - - - 4

G - L = ?


From 1, H = 2G

Substitute H in 4 gives;
2G = J + 120 => J = 2G - 120 - - - 5

Substitute 3 in 2 gives;
J = 10L ÷ 5 => 5J = 10L
=> J = 2L - - - 6

Subst 5 in 6 gives;
2G - 120 = 2L => 2G - 2L = 120

Therefore, G - L = 60

Participants with valid entries

@director.rar @abbak7 @clicked @jennimorillo @vimukthi @oclinton @shadown99 @n1hal @n1hal1 @mcoinz79 @gusvzla

These valid entries can be seen here

Invalid entries

@masterthematrix @neddykelly


  1. @director.rar (0.5Steem + 1SBI share)

  2. @clicked (1SBI share)

  3. @jennimorillo (1SBI share)

  4. @vimukthi (1 Steemmonster rare card)

  5. @oclinton (1 Steemmonster rare card)

Proof of distribution of Prizes

Top 3 prizes


@vimukthi was sent Aric Stormbringer


@oclinton was sent Silvershield Paladin



I must confess that I realized the rules for selecting winners was not great. Maybe we would have seen more entries if the winners were selected through a random generator.

Well, it is my first time organizing such a contest and I have learned from it.

Thanks to @leeuw @steem-bounty @knircky and to all that participated.

written by @akomoajong with love for Steem and support from @shortcut @bleepcoin @leeuw @jennimorillo @neoxian

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@akomoajong 06/12/2018


Thanks for hosting this quiz on dPoll

My pleasure.

Posted using Partiko Android

wow wow win, I'm surprised, thank you very much, you already made your first contest, so you'll learn a lot for future contests

Sure, I would. By the way (BTW), congratulations!

Posted using Partiko Android

Got your reward. Thanks!

You're welcome mate!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks my friend.

You're welcome.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thatsss Amaaazing Than kuu

You're welcome my friend 🍻

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for the price!

👍 you're welcome

Posted using Partiko Android

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