A Tuesday Night Tango

Tonight is going to be a mix, because I am still tired from last night, to be honest. We have a new charge unrelated to “Collussion” handed down from Robert Mueller today, and a little bit of a Florida update. Then an even bigger mix in the second half, including the Star Wars article I knew I wasn’t going to be able to touch yesterday, human immortality by 2050, and the CIA’s penchant for working with approved members of the American media. If we have time, I’ll take some calls as well.

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This post Is In response to Monday’s show where you discussed communism, how do you manage to talk about communism, for a whole show, without mentioning the talmudic jews. This Is where communism comes from, Jewish Freemasons who worship Saturn. The same banking criminals that run the UK, Europe and the US, talmudic jews like the Rothschilds and the Warburgs. United States Government Is a Corporation run by the UK el-lites, Rothschids/Royals, the US citizens are also classed as Corporations via the Birth Certificate bonds.

Present day Germany Is a Rothschild run country just like the rest of Europe. In 1933 the Jewish Bankers declared war on Germany and boycotted all German goods. By 1936/37 Hitler had had enough and closed down all their demonic Freemasonic Lodges and Secret Societies, promptly arresting all the Jewish masons and throwing them In prison camps. The Germans were National Socialists and never refereed to themselves as anything else. The word Nazi, Is a derogatory term thought up by the real Nazis, the Ashke-nazi Rothschilds & Jewish Bankers.

The criminal cabal fabricated the Holocaust, six million mass gassing lie, a lie that they had used many times before WWII. This lie was debunked In a Canadian court, In 1988 In the second Ernsst Zundel trial, where Fred Leuchter gave his evidence. Mr Leuchter, the only gas chamber expert In the US at the time, had been asked, by the defense, to travel to Aucshwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek to take a look at these sites. Before traveling to Europe Leuchter had believed the mass gassings were true. He had consequently told the defense that If he deemed the facilities could of been used that Is what he would show In his report. When Fred Leuchter arrived In Europe and witnessed the facilities, he said It was ludicrous to think that these sites could have ever been used for gas execution purposes. While In Europe Leuchter had taken brickwork samples from the sites, these were independently tested and showed zero signs of Cyanide or Zykoln B gas, further corroborating his conclusion. After returning from Poland Fred Leuchter stated, that he was shocked to find out that he had been living In a communist country that for decades had worked to suppress the truth. The two to three hundred thousand deaths In the camps were due to typhus and starvation, the latter caused by the lack of food towards the end of the war, there was no German plan of genocide.

The term Holocaust Is a Jewish word that means burnt sacrificial offering and this Is what the al-lies did when they were ordered, by their Talmudic elites, to firebomb multiple German cities Incinerating millions of Innocent German civilians. These are some of the greatest war crimes ever perpetrated and our complete fictional his-story doesn’t even mention this, It also doesn’t mention how the al-lies raped, tortured and killed millions of German civilians after the war. I was brought up In the UK all my life and up until about two years ago be-lie-ved most of these Talmudic lies, because the propaganda Is non stop from childhood. We all need to wake up to the fact that the western nations and the Soviet Union have all been run by Talmudic El-ites. Adolf Hitler tried multiple times for peace all of which was Ignored by the Jewish puppets Roosevelt and Churchill, who perpetrated mass propaganda on the public to propagate war, these demons are cowards and traitors to mankind. JFK was the only American president who was a true hero because he was the only one to stand up to these criminals and their Zionist agenda.

Another lie peddled by these el-ites and their Deep State propaganda Wikipedia, Is that Germany Invaded Poland for no reason. The Bromberg Massacre was the cabal Initiated, Bolshevik perpetrated, massacre of thousands of ethnic Germans living In Poland. These crimes perpetrated by the Bolsheviks, on behalf of the Rothschilds, were so horrific the photos of the bodies are hard to view. These events are passed off, by the cabal run Wikipedia, as civilians killing civilians out of confusion and were the reason the Fuhrer had no choice but to go In to Poland.

Something we all need to realize Is that these Rothschild/Royals/Vatican Talmudic Jewish criminals, have written the his-story for a long long time and like Nikola Tesla stated about the science of the his day, they have created a fictional construct that has no relation to reality. Don’t you think It’s odd that JFK referred to what Hitler achieved In Germany: “as what legends are made of”. What did Adolf Hitler do that Is what legends are made? He outlawed usury just like JFK attempted to do with executive order 11110, but was assassinated before he good achieve this. This Is where we get the word Conspiracy Theory relating to anyone that questioned this obvious Cabal sanctioned assassination.

Truth doesn’t have contradiction so Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, he loved the natural world and Installed laws that protected animals from cruelty, he was a righteous messenger of truth. The reason he Is the most lied about man In his-story Is because he outlawed usury and took on the Cabal.

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