Marketing Genius at Blockcon Santa Monica California

in #quinneaker6 years ago (edited)

Marketing is a tough thing because we all want to promote our business but people generally don’t like being marketed to.

It also costs money, so the question is how to leverage that money into attention and business.

The genius marketer winners for the conference were BigToken as they had kegs of Modelo they were generously giving out.



Now of Course giving away beer doesn’t guarantee investors but it does guarantee attention and traffic which is the doorway to business.


Seems obvious yet they are the only ones here doing it so good job!

I can guarantee they had the most attention at their booth and I made sure to help amplify that!


Sounds like a pretty good tactic to me. If nothing else, people are going to love them for sharing!

Genius indeed! Only thing that could make it better is beer robot :)

Beer goes always good with business and it just opens the communication! This is the way to the hearth....and....wallet...:)

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