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RE: The Title Of This One is The First And Last Sentence in The Opening Paragraph

in #questions5 years ago

My thoughts are typically stretched enough and don’t require additional assistance. This one line supplied enough amusement in itself to garner my attention.
It is good to hear that @lynncoyle1 keeps in touch with you and visa-versa. I have been wondering how her and Brian have been doing as I have kept them in my prayers.
As I'm writing this reply I clicked on her link and see she has just recently posted, will get back to her update following this reply. What a wonderful soul she is.
All too many people beat around the bush all too often and are afraid to say what they really think, or are afraid that they may offend someone in so doing. Talking out of both sides of one's mouth is so irritating that I literally avoid conversation with people. Hidden agendas are present with almost every spoken word.
It is always refreshing to hear someone say what they think, whether I agree with them or not.
Now, to the countless ways humans revere the almighty, and the masquerade of costumes that come along with each charade being innumerable, I for one feel that what ever floats your boat is fine with me.
A lot of it I don't get and never will, but the one thing that I do believe should be at the very core of everyone's convictions is respect for life.
No one person is better than the next, they may be better off but not superior.
Submissive to the degree that one needs to hide their mouth while eating in public is over the top.
When you take a look at the way people behave, and under the guise of religion, none of it really makes any sense. Each sect thinks that their way is the way that the guy/girl/who really knows, perched above us all, wants them to display their reverence.

Live and let live, respect and be respected, have faith and be faithful, and one day we may come to see what it is that we all have been at odds with since the dawn of mankind.


I couldn't agree with you more @thebigsweed! And thank you for thinking of us too :)

The comment champion strikes again! I’ve always prided myself on my comment leaving skills, sir, I don’t mess around when it comes to sharing my opinion with authors who are authentic. I’m here to tell you, it’s my pleasure to be in your rear view mirror, sir, you’re a comment leaving king. What’s up Bob?! How’s it goin my man? Happy Friday to you and the farm. 👍🏿 Thank you for this response. Man! Where do I start?? Did I say thank you? “Thank you!”

About Lynn. Yeah, although we’re all just a basket full of virtual strangers, we get to know some better than others and, just like reality, we know the tight-knit group we can count on who we know are genuinely good people. Whatever it is they possess in our own opinion, we know we can always count on them for that. Lynn and Brian are two of them as are you. I’m proud to say I’m friends with each of you. I can confidently say ‘each of you are surrounded in prayer.’

I find myself avoiding conversation too dude—absolutely. Remember that article I did called Buttholes And Liars? I bring it up because I like the way you said talking out of both sides of their mouth. I’ll take it a little further, speaking of “Buttholes.” The same people who talk out the side of their mouth also have a butthole and I can’t always tell which one they’re talking out of. 🤔

Religion. “Whatever floats your boat,” as you say—I love that terminology. I sometimes say “whatever helps us sleep at night” because you and I both know we have no right to judge but that doesn’t mean we don’t have the right to question. So, I have a question for you—with all of the division, indifference, slayings (this list could go forever), judgments, and.. and.. we live with in these times, who’s happy? The objective is to please our maker, right? That’s what I believe anyway and I believe you’ll agree with me when I say we’re all his children. Man, wouldn’t that mean he’s frikkin pissed?! Dude, he’s gotta be furious, right? Since the beginning of the wOrd, Moses in the desert, Caesar at Golgotha, to current times with wars, corruption, imprisonment, abandonment, and, here we are, no more ahead of the curve than we were B.C. all in the name of division Religion. He’s gotta be pissed, right??

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed, you always draw winded replies from me—I look forward to reading what you have to say every time.

PS—no stretching here either, sir—nope! 😉

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