Where are the Eco People?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #questions7 years ago (edited)

Hi Fellow Steemian!  Just had some questions about/for the community here and since it is bit hard for a newbie like me to immediately find all the good people and projects on here.  So, I thought I might ask a few questions and hope that the connections might just come on their own.

So far, I've come across great folks like @foodisfree @gardengirlcanada @homestead @gardenofeden and so many more, but I have a feeling the community must be MUCH bigger than I am currently imagining...

I even found this amazing article by @nicksikorski that seems to have only gotten a bit of attention, then got swept into the waves:


SO, here are a few questions some serious, some playful.

1.  Who are your favorite people already here on Steemit working in the fields of Sustainability, Permaculture, homesteading, eco-businesses, alternative energy and pretty much anything working towards a World that takes better care of the Planet, People and strives to return our surpluses to the communities and systems that created them.... you know, like overhauling our current economic system and replacing it with something that is more fair, ecological and empowering?????

2.  What would you say to the idea of using Steemit to just make the old system obsolete?  If we can get paid for our work, trade goods and services, help each other solve problems, celebrate our victories and learn from our defeats, together ....all while learning, getting healthier, saner, entertaining each other and becoming better able to meet our needs wherever we are on Earth and teach others to do the same, what do we need the 'economy' and 'jobs' for?

3.  What are 3 of your ALL TIME favorite posts you have seen on here that you wish more people knew about?  Any topic or category will do since I am also just curious to see what is out there and the effort to scroll and google is still a bit much when you are just getting started and can't just geek out on your friend's old posts... but you can also see where I am going here, so eco stuff is cool too ;)

4. What is your vision for the world you would like to see manifest in the next 3 to 10 years?  What are YOU doing in the vision? What is possible for the average person in this world you see?  What major problems were solved?  How did we do it?  (Feel free to get creative or base it on actual science, but sometimes we might be limited by our own perception of what IS possible)

5.  What would you do if you could just do what you wanted to do?  You might just want to Sleep and watch YouTube, or travel the world, do research on some obscure interest that you think only you find cool, or it might be to just be to keep doing what you are already doing, only with more resources or appreciation.  It doesn't matter, the point is to just imagine that you will be able to have access to clean water, good food, decent housing, enough power, internet and funding to support any project you might want to attempt.  Pretend you received the Blessings from the Dalai Lama, a Blank Cheque from the Rothschilds and access to all toys befitting of James Bond n friends.  Just name it, we'll take care of everything, just do you.  What is it?

Ok there will be more questions to come, but for now I would like to see what people come up with on here.

Just Post your answers under the Title:

Answers for the EcoKnowMe:  Where are the Eco People?

Wishing you an unquestionably Good Day.



Might come back around to answer some more but user @pennsif has a huge list of homesteaders and preppers! 100 people! Greta place to start to find who ya love!

great thanks!

Yes! I love going through the list to find people!

Thanks for the questions. You know how seldom I entertain things of the sort but this time around you really got me thinking.

Do it man, let your mind wander. Share your discoveries, if you feel like it, or something different. Would be curious to see how your realism might fit in with this wild idealism. Cheers @ehzi-dehve !

Your post really got me thinking and dreaming , which doesn't happen all that often. Please have a gander at my answer to one of your questions and let me know your thoughts.

Done and Done! Answered you on your side. Thanks for that, hope others will have a gander too. Who knows maybe they'll goose you too.

Awesome questions! Almost too epic to take them all in at once. I love considering the greater vision of what Steemit can unlock when it comes to uniting like minds and hearts around the world towards decentralized solutions. I think this is an example of what community can look like around the world if we focus our energy towards lifting each other up and finding our common ground.

I'm excited about all that is yet to unfold and evolve from all the connections that spread new ideas and empower and promote a more free and abundant world.

Glad to have connected and maybe consider diving deeper into the those questions breaking them down into individual posts. I think there are many great conversations and ideas here!

yeah, it is a bit much to chew, and I dunno if anyone will actually feel inspired to write a whole post on answering one or all, but a little dreaming is always good and the comments section helps with the first thoughts bubbling up. Even in just the last few days it has been really amazing to see the developments underway. @steemshop being one of them

I didn't know about Steemshop. Sounds like a rad concept. Gonna check it out more! I loved the thoughts in your post and do think that expanding on them in future posts would start some cool conversations and spark imaginations of others.

Also, page returns user not found for @backtoeden

thanks! just in time, while I could still edit!

Don't worry, you can edit for seven days! :)

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