What features would you add to musing.io to make it better? How would your suggestions improve it?

in #question6 years ago (edited)

View the original post on Musing.io

Rome wasn't built in a day and the same is applicable to all the great apps or dapps you see out there. musing.io is growing so fast and it's growth is quite impressive.

Straight up to some of the features I feel should be added to musing.io is an Edit Feature. Some times last week, I posted an answer to a question in the love feeds but I got to realize that I made some typographical and grammatical errors when I was reading it. It was quite unfortunate that I could not correct the mistakes because there was no Edit Feature.

Also, I feel it is important to correct the anomaly of having to login every time the website is being accessed. I have to re-login each time I either want to ask a question or or answer a question. The process of logging in every time is boring and monotonous.

One feature I would also like to advocate for is a Save as Drafts Feature. I have lost so many well constructed texts times without number due to a poor network connection or browser suddenly closing or refreshing. This issue could be controlled if there is a Save as Drafts Feature. Lately, I have been typing using my notepad then copying and pasting to musing.io.

Some of the changes I may want to be introduced has been made mentioned by some contributors here.

Thanks for reading

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