How to teach children to count easily, what method should be used?

in #question6 years ago (edited)

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Math is a subject dreaded by many children as they progress through school years. To a large extent, this fear is induced by other people who present math as something very difficult and impossible to like. 

When starting with small children, make sure to let them learn slowly. Start with fruits like apples, oranges or bananas. Show them how you call a single orange as ONE, two oranges as TWO and so on. 

Next, show the children how to count with fingers. It is tricky but not impossible. Ask the children to answer your simple questions like - how many oranges are on the table? etc.

Once the children have learned to count till ten, show them how it is written down and make them learn to spell it. 

Apps which help in such lessons are useful as also spelling toys and such. 

There are slates which come with counting beads which are colorful and appealing to the kids. 

Coloring books also helps. 

Books with simple sums which double up as coloring books also are good in helping children learn math easily. 


How much is 2 apples +3 bananas ?

A smoothie, maybe? hehe

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