Balancing work life and personal life: My thoughts.

in #question6 years ago (edited)

It's really very difficult to keep proper balance between work life and personal life. I think one can not balance it 100%. But one can surely try for the best to keep the career up and a happy personal life. 

I am a working women, a mother and also you are seeing me on steemit platform. So it was really hard for me at the beginning to balance all this at a time. But as we have to run our life for living and for our wellbeing, so we have to follow some rules to get everything done in a right way.

  • work-3520177_640.jpg

    The first thing is- make a plan of work. I used to plan my work from the morning till the sleeping hour. This routine helps me to do everything properly in the specific time. Like when I have to make food for my baby and when to sit with my office projects.   

  • The second rule for me is- Giving 100% on the work to get the best output. Don't waste time or keep your work pending for next day. Just do it if the deadline is far. Effective work in a efficient way can reduce your time and you can use that time for your personal life. 
  • Keeping good relationship in work life. Try to be a good employee or an efficient business. Try to have a good communication with your boss or co-workers. They will understand you better and will give you some favour when needed.
  • Get help for others. I used to involve my partner in my house chores and other work. Also take help form my co-workers. This helps to do the work fast and I can have some spare time. 
  • Don't get stress, stay on the right path. Don't make yourself by thinking how you are gonna complete all the task. Just make a good plan and be on the right track. 
  • Try to devid the works in small steps. Segregate your whole working process. It will reduce your stress and will hep you to achieve the work goal.
  • Give time to yourself. Take care of yourself. spend time with your family and friends. Share your life feeling with them. These will give you positive energy to go by with your life in a better way.
  • Try to be positive towards life. i know it's not always possible. We sometimes feels down for work pressure and getting too little life for ourselves. But approve that we don't have any other choices but to improve our current life situations. So make a plan, communicate with friends and family more and give your 100% to get the best result from work or for personal life. 

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