What are the things which you learnt when you got mature?

in #question5 years ago (edited)

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Over the period of our life we get through various situations and in those situations we get to explore many things in our life. While come to think of it Being Mature from those situation does really becomes one of the most important thing for us all.  Some gets to attain it while for some it takes a longer period than expected. 

While being mature does really becomes little hard to define though it depends on the perspective of each and every one of us.  Each of us will have the thoughts of it quite differently than other. Some people mature early in their life while some does not the age does not really guarantee Maturity though the willingness to learn from experience, having the will to adopt and change, respect the view point of others in different ways may result in the change of maturity.

While over the time  for me many things have really changed and as of now I am glad that those things really happened in my life and I am seeing things a lot differently now. 

  •  I got to know the difference between what I need and what I want

While life can be really a teacher for us and going through different situations in life we get to know the real value of certain things. So basic change happens when we need sth and what we need in different situation in our life.

  • Act don't just Speak

I really miss the life of my childhood were we got to dream of becoming this and that and want to be the person that we admire throughout that period but coming to the real fact of life we get to decide the truth behind it. So just dreaming about the person or the goal that we want to achieve just saying out the words does not really works out so we have to work hard and give the best in all the efforts that are made that is when the real glory is met. 

  • Have Faith in Thyself

Come to think of it  when tough situations comes in life we get to see what we are capable of and going through those situation does really makes us realize what kind of person we actually are and how we deal through those situations does also affects us very nice way as well. Those path or incidents makes us the person that are fit for us or ruins us in a very bad way. So self belief is the real key.

  • I do know what I am good at and what I am not 

Accepting the things that I do know and what I do not. Maturity will make you realize what are the things that you should know and what are eh things that you should avoid at all times.  If I am not good at something I have the ability to accept it and if possible I get to explore and learn about that thing so that I can make myself a better person than I am now. 

  • Self Control

This is something does really happens when you get to see the real face of the world. And we get to know the real consequences of our actions and we get to realize what will happen if any words comes out of my mouth and what will be affect of it. Emotions/strategy/Life everything comes within the grasp once you can control and use the expertise within yourself in the right time and right moment.

  • Time

While this the something which becomes one of the most priority for everyone at a certain stage of life. Time could also be defined as Money in many ways. Besides every day becomes valuable and we get to see the real value of time in our life. I do give my best in understanding and giving value to time properly in every aspect of my life. While getting to know when to use it properly (Opportunity/enjoyment/Family and more) gets you the proper way of using the time properly and enjoy it at times necessary.

While this are the basic things that I was able to come in touch with with my life while getting into different situations in my life and I am really indeed glad that I was able to get out from the dilemma and see the things behind the doors of struggle and the ingenuity of life . I am not sure I have become matured or not but I can say that I am a better person than I was few years back and I am constantly improving. 

Image Source: unsplash.com


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