Are you happy with yourself?

in #question5 years ago

Are you happy with yourself?

Image Source: Pixabay

There has been a time where my answer to this question would be very negative! For at least 10 years of my life, I was far from happy about who I was. But, lucky for me, that all changed and I can honestly say that I am happy with who I am this day!

It has been a real struggle though! A fight of a lifetime for me! But, I faced my demons, took time to get to know every single one of them and bonded. I have a rough past and for some reason, that past crept into my brain and took over for 10 years. It was hard for me to accept myself but worth the struggle. If I look at myself now I smile. I honestly can love myself now just the way I am. Maybe it has something to do with age.

Those ten years have been pure hell. I wanted to please everyone but myself and in that progress, I really lost myself. I was but a mere pixel of who I once was. At first, I blamed others for this but when I finally hit that last wall and went rock bottom I found that I did it myself. I made the choice to stop loving myself, to only please others and it was time to turn that all around.

Fun thing, the moment I started to do just that people started to call me selfishhhh! Perhaps I am but I am mentally healthy, stronger and happier. It's because I went all the way down I know that you have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else. This is not just a saying, it's true. In order for me to be able to help others, I need to take care of myself first! The first few months I was still a tad hurt when people called me selfish but not anymore.

We are all different beings even though we are all humans. We act in our own ways, react in different styles and we are all who we are.
Ever since the day that I really accepted me for who I am, my life has become so much better. I no longer really care what people think about me or my actions because the only person who had to agree with me is me.
Yes, I am very happy with who I am today and no one can stop me from being happy! ((Sinister laugh))



I faced, and am still facing the same story as I'm at the point of selfish, however I was helping everyone but one day I figured out that no one helps me when I needed it the most so I tried to do what I was against, to do what I like not what they like and here it is the selfish me.

I have hurt myself a lot back in the days in the process of trying to please people, I realise just like you have said, in that process, I end up hurting myself more. So I follow myself, be myself. If you want me, you will accept me for who I am, if you hate me, then there are still many people waiting for me to give them attention. Life is simply for me to worry myself and hurt myself just to please people

You're right, friend ... we have to make ourselves happy. Accept all our shortcomings and be yourself. Happy that comes from the heart. I try to make myself happy.

I'm glad to hear that you have come to accept yourself and that things have been better for you since. That's great. I would say that I'm happy with who I am. There is always good and bad aspects to everyone but all we can do is strive to be better in the things we can control and accept that which we cannot change

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There are people who are much more difficult than others. Some get away with it, but they do not. And they have to be better. And if a person decided to live according to a dream, they are doubly obliged.
Because most people are afraid to live the dream.

Of course I'm happy with myself. Not 100% but about 80%, no one is perfect and we can all use some improvement in one way or another. It's important to celebrate your accomplishments but don't get too carried away.

I am happy with myself on a daily basis and I am glad you are too.
Its not all sumshine and rainbows. But just like plants we need a little adverse weather to grow ourselves.
If life wasn't a struggle accomplishments wouldn't feel as good.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am happy with myself to some extent at least I will say that I have achieve some basic things of life at my age for now, but there are other things that I still beleive I needs to strive harder to attain in life. I stop pleasing people because most persons do not appreciate good things and kindness , and life has taught me to please myself first before thinking of others

I'm not always happy with myself but I have come to accept myself. No body is perfect. We all have our faults. But I can live with mine

Posted using Partiko Android

Always Feel Enough With Yourself; The Key to Essential Happy and Longevity

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