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RE: Bounty 10 Steem: Who creates the fiat money

in #question7 years ago (edited)

Yes this all makes sense and I have read this many times. However if the bank really just creates the money itself, why can I not go to the bank, give them $1 to get a $10 loan? They would then have the reserve requirements met. And could create money risk free. I should be able to create infinite amounts of money for myself this way.

I cannot imagine that the bank does not have to get that loan from the FED. My question is essentially is Fiat a Ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme. I.e. with one head or many?


The bank gets its capital from various places. In order to be a bank one should be eligible for it. For example in my country it is 5 million euro. Also one commerciL bank can lend money to another commercial bank.

The FED comes in when banks dont want to loan to other banks, because there is a risk of failing to pay them back.

Also there is a thing called the FED funds rate - this is the rate at which the FED is willing to lend to commercial banks. All the QE's we saw in the past 10 years is exactly the decrasing of this federal funds rate.

The FED has multiple insteuments to influence the economy, for example the Open Market Operations (purchasing bonds). This is obviously very stimulative for the economy. Currently the fed is unwinding their balance sheet, which caused the 10y yields to spike :)

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