If you had millions to give, what projects would you support?

in #question6 years ago

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If I had millions to give, I would spend every last dime on the project with promises a clean energy. I am not kidding, ok, I might be a little. But I would spend it smartly to get a project on the clean energy so that we can stop torturing the mother nature and earth. We had been exploiting it in the name of fuel, for past couple of centuries and last few decade has been the worst. You don't have to believe my words but I am sure you can feel it too. People across the global are complaining on the weather conditions going to extremes in recent years. 

we can count at-least 50% of the contribution of the global warming is from the source which can be replaced by something much better and Eco-friendly. I had been living in Chennai for nearly 6 years now and with each passing year I have seen the weather in this region to go extreme. The 2015 downpour is something to remember. I was in middle of it. Knowing that thing will get worse if something is not done, is the worst feeling ever. People had been building canals and proper water outlets but still are not paying attention to the root cause. On the other hand the summer is getting more harsh with last year touching 42C that is halfway to the boiling point. 

I am sure many countries are taking measures to fight the global warming, But there are many countries who are still not considering the global warming a real threat. And when I say country I mean the government. It is hurtful when there are organization who are willing to work on this problem but are facing threats and legal challenges because their initiation in hurting the monetary profit of an individual or the governments. 

And if some action is not taken in that field I am pretty sure the Youtube channels which publishes top 10 list of uninhabitable places on earth will have a lot of contents. All I am wishing is people who can spend million dollars should spend it fixing the earth, and people who are not should at-least try not to hurt much. 



I don't have millions. Yet!!! But someday I will have something to contribute, But I hope its not late by then.


Solar investments into local economies and collective projects.

well written. I appreciate how dedicated you are in spreading the message. wish all young people are like you

It's one of my dream. Lets see how far can I take it. :-)

When I initially saw a notification from Gina, I never thought that you would write something like this. Really a great thought @inuke. We have to definitely stop torturing mother nature.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha, Of course, buddy. We have to stop abusing the fossil resources and earth. It's the planet that we live in. Otherwise, It would be just empty theaters. And Wall-Es would be running the place.

I'm amazed with the data of electricity. Really good thoughts 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Its all about the power and energy. Yaar!!!. The whole world is after it. :-)

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