Should the world's population be reduced to save the planet?

in #question6 years ago

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Yo!!! Thanos. Hold on!!! Before you snap your fingers. Just listen to me.

I don't know from where this idea originated but I swear this could be 5th or 6th that I have come across this question. And I think we had been phrasing it wrong. The question should be 'What can be done to save the planet?' 

The planet earth has limited resources and everyone knows. And I believe that the planet does have a mechanism called ecosystem succession. The habitat are constantly changing and It will continue to do so. One gets destroyed the other takes place. A lake turns into swamp land, the swamp/ marsh land turns into low vegetation grounds, That turns into jungle, the Jungle get destroyed by human and the human screws up and makes a Chernobyl out of it and the mother nature and animal kingdom takes it back over. 

Same goes for the Global warming, If the world gets submerged, the aquatic live will take over. Again the planet earth is safe. It is the human race that is screwed. Now, I may sound harsh but it is truth. It is not that people are worried about the planet earth, But we are actually afraid of our fate. Trust me even if a meteor comes crashing on earth, It will balance itself out in few centuries or so. It happened before, so no proof needed. But being the self aware being that we are, the fear of getting wiped out drives us towards the 'go green' or 'save tree' or 'save tiger' campaigns. Most of us never cared about the tree, tiger or the sea.

And it is good to save your own asses, but at what cost? You don't want to have limit on your own consumption but would kill the competition to have more for yourself. The only way to delay the inevitable is to play nice with mother nature and planet earth. Killing population would do no good, if the people who survived the suggested Idea but continued to be an ass towards the nature. 

Better solution would be develop some sense of responsibility, go plant a tree. Save a tree, Do something good for the environment, do something that would get you a thank you  from an environmentalist. Before picking up the gun and started eliminating population, Because then it would you, who has to do their share of work too.

I am @inuke, I guess what I am trying to say is that it would be shame if we die of an attack from killer tomatoes or a sharknado


I agree. The question should be, What can we do to save the planet? There are several ways to rejuvenate our environment.

I do not necessarily agree about reducing the world's population however, I agree with planned parenthood which includes thinking thoroughly before reproducing a human being. Actually the birth rate is somewhat imbalanced. According to statistic I read from worldometers, it can be concluded that the highest birth rate is centered in the developing nations. There are a lot of factors at play but I think as someone who lives in one of the developing nations, I think awareness about sexual health and reproduction must be increased.

I totally agree with you, The population boom is mostly observed in the developing nations, Where the govt is trying to focus on getting ahead because they have to. While the general public is struggling with their day to day life.

Also, the point of view of the developing nation is what compromises the environment too. For them, the environmental factors come later in the list of to do activities.

Yes, the general public is struggling with food, housing and even job. The more population does not mean more jobs. It only means more people to buy stuff. My current hypothesis is that developing nations are projected to dominate the economy because more population translates as more purchase power.

It's a cycle = someone born, they need stuff, they study, they go to work, they buy stuff and it's endless.

I really think environmental awareness should be raised and put into a magnifying glass. It's not like we can just come and go. A sustainable environment will impact us and generation after us.

It's a cycle = someone born, they need stuff, they study, they go to work, they buy stuff and it's endless.

I agree.

And bringing environment awareness is bit difficult task to the subjects in the above sentences. Because like you said the economic state of the country is also a very crucial factor unless and until the peoples are offered a cheap solution they will continue to harm the environment to get their way. Take an example of the Gas, even if you offer a solution to replace it with something that is less harmful to the environment they would still consider gas as their primary option. Because the other one screws up their personal economic equation. So they would rather destroy the environment and blame on the society, than doing something for the environment and take a hit.

Sometimes looking at humanity, it doesn't seem like it's such a bad idea for Mother Nature to wipe the slate clean and start over. 😑

Ah!! It is hard to argue. Given that I want to kill few of them myself. But it's not all bad. We do have a choice, the only thing is very few choose good.

How have you been? It's been quite some time.

I'm good thank you :) how are you sir

I am doing ok. Thank You.

And congrats on getting engaged with Bot.

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