Is it society's fault that there are criminals?

in #question6 years ago

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I will partially blame the society in making a Criminal. First thing first if Society makes the criminal than everyone will become a criminal, but that is not the case. That's why I said partially, because it is upto the human being that he wants to go in that direction or not. 

If there are 10 people and 3 of them wants to go in that direction we will say it is the mindset of those three people which makes them criminal and cannot blame the whole society for it.

Though Society do make lot of cirumstances which makes people think like that, for example if your friend circle is making you addicted we can somewhat blame the society that they are pushing you to that dark world.

Or say if someone needs some help and society is not coming forward for helping than if that person takes extreme step it's also right to blame the society.

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