I'm going to ask you the same question as I asked my other friend! Do you get up super early in the morning?

in #question4 years ago

I'm going to ask you the same question as I asked my other friend! Do you get up super early in the morning?

Wtf. I'm reading a study about sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep after you switch off the lights) and it says the average sleep latency time is 8 minutes 😱 Is that genuinely normal for people?!

I'm a total outlier (which I knew already) - it usually takes me 1.5 to 3 hours - but 8mins seems abnormally fast?
I'm curious, do you all get to sleep that fast?

Mmm I have a very strong suspicion that me having a kid would make my sleep issues a bazillion times worse! 😂
I struggle to function on a full sleep most days let alone an interrupted one and kids are notorious for waking you up through the night, even if they did sleep for a significant period of time I'd most likely be in that mode where you're sleeping but kind of also listening out for them (kind of like how cats sleep 😹).


So not getting much deep sleep 😂 That's exactly what happened in a previous job when I was doing sleepover shifts as a support worker supporting someone with additional needs and they'd get up usually 2x during the night.


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