What is HAARP? Who invented it and what is it used for?

in #question6 years ago (edited)

View the original post on Musing.io

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a scientific project funded by the US Defense Department to develop ionosphere research facility. This project started in 1993. In 2014 the US Air Force notified the US Congress that it intends to close the project. HAARP project involves the US forces in collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). It operates from the HAARP Research Station in Gakona, Alaska and intends to understand the mechanism of the ionosphere. 

(Image of HAARP antenna arrays. source: https://newatlas.com)

Ionosphere is a layer of earth’s atmosphere which is situated 75 to 1000 kilometer above the sea level. Solar radiation ionized air at ionosphere. This layer is important in perspective of radio transmission. Auroras occur in this layer of the atmosphere. HAARP uses the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range to temporarily excite a limited part of the ionosphere for scientific study. With sophisticated scientific instruments impact on ionosphere by this stimulation is measured and studied.

 (Image source: pixabay.com)

Many conspiracy theorists blame this project for global warming, weather manipulation, seeing of unusual shaped clouds in the sky, natural disaster to mysterious noises in the sky. They say this is a ‘star wars’ type model of the weapons. According to them, with this weapon the US military can warp people’s mind and can alter the reality. Cemtrail Millions of dollars have been invested on this project and some data related to the project kept classified which generates doubt on people’s mind. Involvement of the US forces and defense and intelligence agencies cements their doubt.

However, according to the website https://skeptoid.com

"First of all, there's nothing remotely secret or even classified about HAARP. No security clearance is needed to visit and tour the site, and HAARP usually holds an open house every summer during which anyone can see everything there. During the rest of the year, research is conducted. The universities that have participated in HAARP research include University of Alaska, Stanford, Penn State, Boston College, Dartmouth, Cornell, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, MIT, Tomsk Polytechnic University, UCLA, Clemson and the University of Tulsa. There are several other similar research stations around the world, namely the Sura facility in Russia, EISCAT in Norway, the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico, and the HIPAS observatory near Fairbanks, operated by UCLA. If you look at HAARP on Google Earth, you can see there's not much there, and the current view shows only four cars in the small parking lot."

Despite of it, people don't have exact information about this projects. Every source has something different information about this project and since 2014 nothing much was heard about it. Therefore, this project is still a mystery for the world.

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