Work as an Open Source Contributor

in #quasarframework6 years ago (edited)

An in-depth introduction to Open-Source with some specific examples taken from the approach used by the Quasar Framework, as we intend to use this tutorial as training and reference for all forthcoming (and existing) contributors.


Image: CC0 by @nothingismagick

What Will Be Discussed?

You will learn about Open Source and best-practices to make sure that your contributions are compliant.


  • You will learn about the difference between copyright, licensing and attribution
  • You will discover the meaning of "Free/Libre and Open Source Software"
  • You will find out what the difference is between "Permissive" and "Protective" licenses
  • You will learn about license discovery and licensing agreements
  • You will learn how to use code and other assets that are open-source

Your Identity and Rights

  • You will learn about "Non-Disclosure Agreements" (NDA)
  • You will learn about "Contributor License Agreements" (CLA)
  • You will learn how to become a "verified" contributor
  • You will learn why "developer certificates of origin" are used
  • You will learn what "signed-off-by" means
  • You will learn about "release" forms
  • You will learn about "provenance"

License Types

  • Licenses for code
  • Licenses for text / documentation
  • Licenses for artwork / design / video
  • Licenses for fonts


  • You must read English proficiently
  • A basic understanding of git
  • Knowledge of file types relevant to your field of activity


  • Basic to medium

Tutorial Contents

This tutorial is a primer for those who are interested in contributing to open-source projects. It may also be useful for active contributors who were always curious about advanced topics. And finally, because licensing can be very contentious, this is also a text for those who want to engage in a discussion about open-source. Although we are using specific examples from the "Quasar Framework", the issues herein are relevant across the spectrum of open-source software development.

Our hope is that you will gain deeper insight into all of the great things (and potential pitfalls) surrounding licenses in the world of open-source software. The Introduction is a great place to start, as it defines some of the terms this tutorial will constantly return to. It will also teach you about some simple methods for making sure that your contributions are compliant with the licensing scheme taken by the project you are working with. Then, it begins a discussion about you, the contributor, and the rights and responsibilities that you have. Finally, it will go into depth about various domains of licensing, including code, copy, design and fonts.


Some software has source code that only the person, team, or organization who created it—and maintains exclusive control over it—can modify. People call this kind of software "proprietary" or "closed source" software.
Open source software is different. Its authors make its source code available to others who would like to view that code, copy it, learn from it, alter it, or share it. LibreOffice and the GNU Image Manipulation Program are examples of open source software.

Every act of creativity can be attributed to someone or to a group of people working together. In fact, it is actually quite silly to think that anything exists in a vacuum. We are all connected, and ideas are things that often take on lives of their own. However, in these modern times many people have started protecting their ideas from being stolen by giving them away - by publishing their work so that other people are empowered and invited to contribute to the project - or even take it in an entirely different direction.

Not unlike the way that guilds of centuries past protected their trade-secrets, the excuse of a "proprietary" protection of ideas and an enshrinement of "closed source" in legislation and free-trade agreements can directly be traced to many of the problems that turbo-capitalism has unleashed on our planet. But guess what - there is something you can do. You can participate in the open-source movement.


Copyright, Licensing and Attribution

It is generally accepted in modern democratic society that a notice of copyright is required as a preface for all licenses, because someone has to be responsible for declaring how the thing being licensed can be used. In a strange (but somehow logical) twist, if you wish to share your work as Public Domain or Copyleft, you have to first declare that you are the owner of your work (and that everyone who contributed to it agrees with you on that matter).

Once a copyright is declared, the copyright holder may inform readers and users of the code / text / art under which circumstances it is appropriate to use it. No matter what licensing approach the original author / copyright holder takes, it is always appropriate to retain copies of these licenses in the repository hosting your work should it use open-source licensed works of third parties. It is never ok to remove or edit license files or license references in the headers or metadata of source files - because that is literally stealing and a form of plagiarism.

As long as "consumers" of your built artefacts (website, app, etc.) are informed to where they can see the licenses of the third-party projects that you have used to build your project, you can avoid shipping these licenses.

If you do decide to use anything done by a third-party within your work, except for public domain works (which I personally believe you should also cite), you are required (both legally and morally) to cite the source. This is called attribution, and a general rule of thumb is that you should include references to all of the code you are using. We will get more into this later on in the tutorial, because there are different requirements depending upon the domain of the resource being attributed.

"Free/Libre and Open Source Software"

The term "open source" refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible.

There is a perpetual discussion by FLOSS hardliners about the degree of freedom inherent in "open" source - and even what free means. However, it is probably a good idea to go back in time to 1998 and read this article by the woman who came up with the name "open source": Christine Peterson. Although Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds are two of the most successful, visible and vocal proponents on the matter; the point is that even though the term began as a "marketing device", it stuck and changed the lives of everyone on the planet - arguably for the better.

Stallman and the "Free Software Foundation" (FSF), who have arguably been around the longest, will define freedom as an important part of open source, because your freedom to use the code and change it is also a responsibility that you bear in the name of the entire community.

What is free? What is libre?

If one ignores for a moment the annoying fact that free also means "doesn't cost any money" (which was the main argument for adding the word libre), there is still an unresolved semantic issue, in fact, one that will likely never resolve:

Depending upon your perspective, the Gnu Public License isn't ABSOLUTELY free, because it comes with the requirement that you must return changes that you make to the code back to the community - and being free would mean you get to decide how to work and what to do with the code you use. At the same time and on a different spectrum, there are those who consider the MIT license not to be entirely free. They do so because there are circumstances where the code can be permissibly changed and not returned to the community - in a sense "imprisoning" the code.

There is no right or wrong answer here, because it is a matter of perspective - however every developer and every organisation needs to decide for themselves where they want to put the focus of their attention. At the Quasar Framework, we are not purists in the sense that we believe Code is in and of itself a spiritual being deserving of transferrable rights. If perhaps we were working on the Linux kernel that might be different - but we are more concerned with the human side of code and believe that the people who use our project should have the ultimate freedom of choice to do what they want. This is why we have taken the "permissive" approach and chosen the MIT license.

There is often a great deal of discussion around "how free to make the code". I propose that you ask yourself four questions:

  1. Do you prefer to work alone?
  2. Are you worried about people stealing your idea?
  3. Have you written all of the code yourself, including the libraries?
  4. Have you signed any type of Non Disclosure Agreement regarding the work in question?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then using an open source license for your work is a great way to go.

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then considering licensing your work as open-source is probably still one of the best ways to protect your work and make sure that it has an impact on the rest of the world. Just think of it this way: if all of the software around you today was not open source, would you still be able to work as you do? Don't you owe it to the community to share your work?

Permissive vs. Protective licensing

One of the common misconceptions about licensing your project with GPL is that it will prevent corporations from taking your idea and using it to make money - all without giving you any cut of the profits. This is patently untrue. If someone wants to steal your code and break the law, they will. If a corporation wants to use your GPL library, they can isolate it from the rest of their system and reveal nothing of their proprietary code. They can take your code, reverse engineer it and rewrite it. If this is your biggest concern, then stop, go back to the beginning of this tutorial and read carefully to decide if you want to participate in open-source - or merely profit from it.

MIT, BSD and Apache are what the open-source software community calls "permissive" licenses. Permissive means that the author is permitting you a great deal of rights to use the software they are sharing, even the right to use it for making a profit and changing it to suit your purposes. As long as you retain copies of the original license and inform those who are interested that you are using that particular software, then you can do anything with the code - even change it and not tell anyone you have done so.

Copyleft is the practice of offering people the right to freely distribute copies and modified versions of a work with the stipulation that the same rights be preserved in derivative works created later.

This type of "protective" licensing goes beyond the "permissive" licensing seen with MIT and APACHE by seeking to protect the code and the community's rights. Any modifications made to the source code must be returned to the community, and you may not sublicense the code. GPL and CC-SA are two licenses that work this way.

License discovery and licensing requirements

Using open-source software in your projects is a great thing, but you need to stay diligent, especially when you are contributing work to another project. And this is doubly true if you are required to do reporting about license compliance (for example in the case of public agencies or within corporate legal firewalls). In any case, it can be a bit of a hassle to manually go through and track down all the license files.

There are a few projects that treat this issue of discovery, such as nlf and and specifically their free CLI that does not require registration.

$ nlf --summary detail > nlf.txt

Here is a report made from the Quasar repo using the nlf approach.

If you want to see a license report generated by the fossa CLI in your repository, after following their install instructions, you can just use this command:

$ fossa report licenses > fossa.txt

Here is a report made from the Quasar repo using the fossa cli approach. As you can see, the great majority of modules use the MIT license, but several are not clear from the report alone: 15 of the projects were not autodetected by fossa. I followed each of the links, tracked down their licenses, and made a note not only of the license, but that I was the one who did it.

Furthermore, I detected that only one of our libraries (stylint) requires a GPL license, but the developers have a license conflict in the declaration in the package.json (GPL-2) and the actual license file (GPL-3).

That is what you will need to do as well. Should a license file not be included in the project, and you cannot find one, it is wise to contact the author.

A word of caution: These automated systems are not foolproof (e.g. a module about license detection may detect multiple licenses, even though it is itself using another license). If you are bound by regulatory compliance, you need to go through them all by hand - and don't be afraid to reach out to the author if you need clarification - or even a different license. This is sometimes possible. Just remember, it's better to ask permission than forgiveness.

Using open-source

If you use anything that is open-source, you must declare its use and make the original licenses easily accessible. If you are using, for example, node modules in your project, then these licenses are available in the source code of the project when someone downloads the project files and "installs" the dependencies. You can usually find it as a file named LICENSE in the root folder or in the "license" field in the package.json

Generally this is enough, however if you make any changes to the original library, you may be required to notify and / or submit these changes back to the community. This depends on the license type, but we will cover licensing specifics in the final section.

Stack Overflow: A common pitfall is to merely copy and paste things that you find on - but this is dangerous, because even though it is implied that the user is sharing this information, you do not know with 100% certainty that it is appropriate (or permitted) to use the code example 1 to 1. The common practice of citing the resource is better than nothing, but you should really consider rewriting the example to fit your code style, the needs of your project AND reference the source as "inspiration".

Your Identity and Rights

What is a "Non-Disclosure Agreement" (NDA)

A non-disclosure agreement is a contract that you may be required to sign if you will be working with an organisation that has trade secrets to protect. As the signee of the NDA, you will be bound by the contract to maintain secrecy about the information you have been given, and it may include clauses about non-competition in a similar industry for a specific amount of time. Although this is generally uncommon in the open-source industry, it may be required if you are given access to "secrets" like API keys, logins and the like.

If you are presented with a NDA, as with any contract, it is wise to read everything, ask questions and ask a lawyer for their opinion. Quasar will never require you to sign an NDA.

What is a "Contributor License Agreement" (CLA)

A Contributor License Agreement is a contract between the owner of a project and code contributors. As opposed to a NDA (which is restrictive), a CLA is "reciprocal" in that it is actually there to protect the rights of both owner and contributor. With a CLA, contributors explicitly give the owner permission to use the contribution, and owners explicitly permit the contributor to use their contributions as they see fit.

However, many developers consider a CLA to be problematic because of the rights that they confer upon the owner, which include the ability to change the license of the code. Here is a great writeup by gitlab about why they switched from a CLA to a DCO - and here is their in-depth analysis from a project-management perspective.

What is a "Developer Certificate of Origin" (DCO)

A Developer Certificate of Origin is a legal statement made by a contributor where they certify that they themselves have authored the contribution and that they have legal authority to contribute this code. As with the Gitlab example above, this is usually made in combination with a license such as MIT or Apache. You can read the entire license here (it's brief):

By adding the signed-off-by flag to your git commit, you are saying that you are acting in accordance with the DCO. Although not necessary for every commit, it is there to provide a sort of "blame-chain" in case things go wrong. Best practice suggests using the real name of the contributor. You can read more about the details of doing this here:

Some IDE's, like Webstorm, offer you the ability to add this flag directly from the commit window when you are reviewing your code. It will add the following line to the end of the commit message: Signed off by: <username>

Please note, if the managers of the project you are working on ask you to sign off, check to make sure that they really want you to sign off with every commit, or if it is enough to sign-off on tags or PR's. Technically speaking, the person doing the merge is the one who is required to sign-off, but by adding your name to the individual commits it becomes clear who was really responsible for which changes. It is a matter of preference.

At Quasar we ask you to sign-off on all commits.

Become a "verified" contributor

Verified contributors on Github or Gitlab are developers who have added a GPG key to their account and use this GPG key to sign their commits. Although it is not necessary for integration, some project managers may require it - especially since it is easier to steal someone's login credentials and modify a critical repository than it is steal their GPG key.

The following links will show you how to create a GPG key and use them with Github or Gitlab, as needed.

When do I need to get "release" forms

A release form is generally required when making photographs of people and private property - and using them for any non-private purpose. Although specifics vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, it is very important that you get people to sign a release form, and if it is clear WHERE the picture was taken, then you might need to get permission of the owner.

One clever way to deal with a release form for humans (if they genuinely want to support you) is a so-called "reciprocal pay". Before the photo-shooting, prepare two receipts. On one receipt you pay them e.g. 5 EUR for being a model. On the other receipt, they pay you e.g. 5 EUR for a copy of the photograph. The rule (got the cash, keep the copy) applies, so each party has one original receipt and one copy receipt. You send them a digital copy of the final image as a link to the open-source repository where it was used, and note this on the copy of the receipt they gave you. Keep this in your own records, and everybody is happy.

If you do use photographs of people that you have made and submit them to open source projects, you need to be able to prove that the person gave you permission, and you should keep their release form on file and available.

How can I document "provenance"

Provenance is a word that describes the history of a work. Code that is shared under an open-source license and within the context of a git repository is more or less self-documenting. Images are less obvious, and it is especially tricky with digital-collage works that combine a number of resources.

Dealing with provenance for designers is important, as rights to visual images are hotly contested and often times lead to legal battles. Even if only public-domain resources are being used, it is still a good practice to record your work in a provenance document. This type of document is like the bibliography in a scientific paper, in which the ideas and authors are recorded. Although there is no "standardised" approach, the best method is to not only record the sources and the times accessed, but also track down the licenses for each component. If you want an example of this, feel free to look at the citations section in this graphics breakdown written in the @utopian-io style.

The last thing anyone wants is a legal battle because it drains resources like time and money. If you are contributing to an open-source project, make sure that you are not putting them in hot-water. At Quasar, you can rest assured that the Art Department takes this VERY seriously, and violations of this trust are likely to lead to blacklisting or hammerbanning.

License Types

Major licenses for code

This introduction cannot possibly explain the subtle differences between all of the different licenses for code, because there are dozens. A license is added to code by either placing a reference to it in the header of the file being licensed in the case of distributables, in a LICENSE file in the root level of a repository, in the README about the project and potentially in the package.json (if using node).

If you skipped ahead and didn't read the earlier chapters, here is a quick recap of the three main license types and a popular example of each, along with two links that go into more detail and analysis.

At the Quasar Framework all contributions to the core libraries are required to be MIT. By contributing anything, you are agreeing to this license.

Important licenses for text / documentation

Text and documentation is also a creative work, and is also generally protected under copyright laws. You can transfer these rights to third parties or to project owners to whom you will be giving your contributions by choosing either a Creative Commons resource or the Free Document License.

It is considered best practice to name the license and author(s) at the end of the document being licensed.

At the Quasar Framework all documentation is (or will be) licensed under the FDL.

Licensing artwork / design / video

There are literally as many legal regulations for this type of contribution as there are countries on the planet, so it is absolutely inappropriate to go into detail about how things are different from nation to nation. No matter what, the person that made the image can never lose the right to say that they were the owner (unless an absolutely draconian contract prevents it - and in some cases this won't stand up in court). This is why there is one common rule that will : Cite the author and name the license. If you can't do that, then don't use the asset.

Depending on where and how the contribution is to be used, there are a number of ways in which this citation can be made:

  1. Name the file accordingly
  2. Put license information in a watermark in the file
  3. Inject the information into the metadata of the file
  4. Cite the image sources / licenses directly after the image if possible
  5. Put this same information in a footnote / endnote / linked document
  6. Place license information or licenses and release form-cover-sheets in the repository in the same folder as the image or some other delegated location

Common licenses to use for Images / Designs / Videos are:

Quasar prefers CC-BY or CC0 licenses.

Font licenses

Of the hundreds of fonts listed at Google Fonts, there are exactly two different licenses used: Either the Apache License v2, or the SIL Open Font License v1.1. The vast majority are OFL, and it is basically the same type of permissive license as MIT.

If you are using a font, you need to make sure that you really have the license for it, as some professional font forges will sell different types of licenses depending on the application. (As in one license for desktop publishing, another for websites, etc.) If you are using an open-source font, best-practice is to put a copy of the license in the folder where you are maintaining your fonts.

Furthermore, some services like FontSquirrel offer a WebfontGenerator that enables designers to make a set of font-files so that individual browsers can select the type that they are most well-equipped to use. They require you to verify that you have the right to convert the font to other formats. The SIL OFL does permit this. If there is no license that you can find, assume that you do not have the right to use the font.

Final Words

Just because you "open" your work to collaboration from others, this is not the end of the story. Just because you slap a Creative Commons license on a photoshop file does not mean it is open and free. The degree of openness of an asset or project is also determined by the operating system and the software needed to use and or modify the file. Please consider publishing not only the results of the process of your work, but also inform people about how you did it.

Furthermore, please do not use pirated software when working on open-source projects. Not only is it "uncool" and damaging to the honour of the entire open-source community, you are putting yourself and your colleagues at risk, especially if you have high-value credentials, like server logins etc. There is no better way to get yourself (and possibly your team) hacked than to use cracks.

Further Resources

In case you want to go more into depth about these topics, we have a few additional resources that we highly recommend:

  • Stallman's distinction between FLOSS and FOSS
  • This chapter of the ZeroMQ Guide goes into great detail about governance in open-source projects with the specific example of their community

Proof of Work Done (Authorship)

The original version of this article has been compiled and written by @nothingismagick


This work and all derivatives are licensed under the FDL 1.3.

Written with StackEdit.


In the regular course of things, Utopian Blog posts are judged by very specific guidelines. What to do, then, when a post is submitted that does not fit any of our criteria, but is so phenomenal, we feel it absolutely deserves our support.

This is the situation we find ourselves in with this one. Not a tutorial as we define it, nor does it fit within the confines of our blogs. But it is of tremendous worth for anyone interested in open source.

And so, after consultation, we make an exception. We don't do this often. But we're doing it here.

Now, since this post was of such high quality, I won't do my usual bit of citing examples of style and grammar issues. I will say, as a general point, that many of your sentences would benefit from being broken up. Consider each sentence a pause from breath, and the end of each sentence a permission to breathe again. Let your readers breathe a bit more, and both you and them will benefit.

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Thanks for the complement, it’s nice to hear. As far as the style suggestions go, I hear that too.

Thank you for your review, @didic!

So far this week you've reviewed 14 contributions. Keep up the good work!

What was that. I felt enlightened, finally. I've made several researches about licensing and copyrights. However all of them end up being reading all the licence files and give up at some point. Seen several articles which were trying to keep it short also teach me nothing. At least now I have a better understanding about how it goes, about permissive and protective distinction.
However I'd like to see another more in depth information about graphical content since it's more of my area and as I know yours as well.
You explained what should be done from project's perspective but I still don't know how should I approach as a graphic designer to an open source project. Let's say when I design a logo for a project I just share it with cc license and that's all, I don't even adding font licenses since I think they are already known as open sourced (thanks to google fonts.) I don't know what should I do to make things more clearer or at least look more professional.

Ok, I’ll post a follow up next week that goes into specific details about issues for graphic designers, especially considering jurisdiction of publication and distribution rights. Thanks for the appreciation. :)

the s the professional work...thanks

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