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in #quantum7 years ago (edited)

When you ask someone, "What's on your mind?", is it the same as asking, "What are you thinking?" ?

Without thinking most would probably answer a yes. The question now, "Is the brain the mind as well?". Apparently not, not according to philosophers, scientists and researchers.

The brain has always been thought of as like a processor in the computer. The mind is quite something else. Its linked to thoughts and the consciousness. Conceivably, the conscious mind is the enquirer, posing the problem and the brain processes and dishes out the answer/solution.

Researches on what's going on in our heads have been going on since the days of the great "thinkers" Heraclitus, Socrates, and Plato right to this day.

It seems like nothing is going on in our heads. Yes, the brain is there of course and no one is arguing about that, but the more we start to think about them, the more perplex it becomes.

I gathered below some related articles and reports in the hope that one topic could reconcile with another to paint a clearer picture of what is and not. There are three separate topics:

  1. Brain
  2. Mind
  3. Consciousness

With Quantum Computing making its appearance soon, its also a good idea to tie it into our heads.

Your brain is not a computer

No matter how hard they try, brain scientists and cognitive psychologists will never find a copy of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in the brain – or copies of words, pictures, grammatical rules or any other kinds of environmental stimuli. The human brain isn't really empty, of course. But it does not contain most of the things people think it does – not even simple things such as ‘memories’

Our shoddy thinking about the brain has deep historical roots, but the invention of computers in the 1940s got us especially confused. For more than half a century now, psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists and other experts on human behaviour have been asserting that the human brain works like a computer.

... computers really do operate on symbolic representations of the world. They really store and retrieve. They really process. They really have physical memories. They really are guided in everything they do, without exception, by algorithms.

Humans, on the other hand, do not – never did, never will. Given this reality, why do so many scientists talk about our mental life as if we were computers? Read more

A new theory of consciousness: the mind exists as a field connected to the brain

Today, philosophers and scientists are involved in rigorous research on consciousness and now, at the confluence quantum physics and neuroscience, a theory emerges of a mental field we each have, existing in another dimension and behaving in some ways like a black hole, reports Tara MacIsaac at Epoch Times

What is consciousness?

What is the connection between the brain and the mind? Where is the mind located?

Dr. Dirk K.F. Meijer, a professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands published an article in the September 2017 edition of NeuroQuantology that reviews and expands upon the current theories of consciousness that arise from the meeting of neuroscience and quantum physics.

He writes: “Our brain is not a ‘stand alone’ information processing organ: it acts as a central part of our integral nervous system with recurrent information exchange with the entire organism and the cosmos. In this study, the brain is conceived to be embedded in a holographic structured field that interacts with resonant sensitive structures in the various cell types in our body.”

Essentially, Meijer hypothesizes that our consciousness exists in a field surrounding the brain. This field is in another dimension. It shares information with the brain through quantum entanglement, among other methods. And it has certain similarities with a black hole.

A new theory based on quantum entanglement says your mind exists in another dimension

Australian philosopher and cognitive scientist David Chalmers once phrased the question: “how can something immaterial like subjective experience and self-consciousness arise from a material brain?”

Chalmers and countless philosophers and scientists throughout the ages have battled with this question to end all questions, and still we don’t have a clear answer.

Principles of quantum physics may explain how the mind processes information

...our consciousness could be sharing information with the brain through quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which particles appear to be connected over vast distances. When actions are performed on one of the particles, corresponding changes are observed on the other simultaneously. This would allow for rapid processes like the fast exchange of information between consciousness and the brain — rapid processes which can’t be explained with classical physics.

Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing

John Preskill, the Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, is himself deeply entangled in the quantum world. Different rules apply there, and objects that obey them are now being made in our world, as he explains at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, in Caltech's Beckman Auditorium.

So what's "entanglement?"

It's the correlations between the parts of a system. Suppose you have a 100-page book with print on every page. If you read 10 pages, you'll know 10 percent of the contents. And if you read another 10 pages, you'll learn another 10 percent. But in a highly entangled quantum book, if you read the pages one at a time—or even 10 at a time—you'll learn almost nothing. The information isn't written on the pages. It's stored in the correlations among the pages, so you have to somehow read all of them at once.

There's another important difference: If Alice and Bob both read this morning's New York Times, they will have perfectly correlated information. And if Charlie comes along and reads the same paper later on, he will be just as strongly correlated with Alice as Alice is with Bob, and Bob will be just as correlated with Charlie as he is with Alice. But if Alice reads her quantum newspaper and Bob reads his, they will learn almost nothing until they get together and share their information. Now, when Charlie comes along, Alice and Bob have already used up all their ability to be entangled, and he's completely left out. Entanglement is monogamous—if Alice and Bob are as entangled as they can be, neither of them can entangle with Charlie at all. So if Alice wants to be entangled with both Bob and Charlie, there's a limit to how entangled she can be with either one. They have to work out some sort of compromise.

What Is Quantum Computing?

The Power of Quantum Computers

When you enter the world of atomic and subatomic particles, things begin to behave in unexpected ways. In fact, these particles can exist in more than one state at a time. It’s this ability (quantum entanglement) that quantum computers take advantage of.

Instead of bits, which conventional computers use, a quantum computer uses quantum bits—known as qubits. To illustrate the difference, imagine a sphere. A bit can be at either of the two poles of the sphere, but a qubit can exist at any point on the sphere. So, this means that a computer using qubits can store an enormous amount of information and uses less energy doing so than a classical computer. By entering into this quantum area of computing where the traditional laws of physics no longer apply, we will be able to create processors that are significantly faster (a million or more times) than the ones we use today.

To sum it all up, the keyword is "Quantum". I think quantum computing will solve and provide the answers to our questions about what's really in our heads and what's going on therein. The quantum entanglement theory will in the end reveal who we humans really are and finally prove the Simulation Hypothesis is a fact and as Elon Musk said that its a billion to one chance that we're not in the Matrix.

In the end there's really nothing or anything going on in the head after all as we thought, as the quantum mind with consciousness may well be operating from somewhere else, in another dimension if you like.




Very far ahead...Good article for the awakening ..Last para sounds like Decentralization!!

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